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  • I wouldn´t mind an SCIII arcade HD Online release this year!
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    Reactions: franman
    Same here.

    BTW you've played SC3 AE before?
    Unfortunately never... That is why I really like this idea and would even support it.
    Oh hell, don´t remind me of this please... I really didn´t like Asta in this game and my Bro was so good with Sophie... Oh my. ^^
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    Reactions: Age_of_Truth
    :p you would've won but you taunted hehehe but it was a great fight. I can see how you got so good, having to use Asta against a rushdown sophie. Looking back on all the SCs they all look pretty fun for different reasons.
    It is still so painful to watch... I was so under pressure almost all the time. And yeah the taunt only happened because i got EXTREMELY! nervous at the end. But the final is epic. ^^
    Hey! Nice to see you here too! Yeah, SoulCalibur has been my main fighting-game. Been to many tourneys and sessions and i´ll get SC2HD too!
    Hey I didn't know you played SC. Just dropped by to say hi lol. I'm planning on getting into it with SCII HD.
    Istill play Maxi but my Maxi is imo more or less garbage... ^^ Maybe we can play some games at the weekend. Promised you that some time ago
    No rush for the games, just wanted to know who I should be looking to watch in the EU. Silent Joel was talking up your Maxi at Cannes so was just wondering
    I'm uploading casuals vs a NM player with Asta, I'd appreciate it if you could give me critique - not only am I free to Astaroth, but I suck with him, lol.
    And by 'I'd appreciate it' I mean 'If you want one of my famous hugs at EBO' ;)
    OK, i´ll have a look at it over the holidays. And BTW, a hug is always welcome. ^^
    Well, we shall see how things work out in the future when it comes to Asta tourney positions. ^^
    Hehe, maybe they thought it wouldn't be used at high level play.. and then bam, it was used in the grand finals of the first big US tournament (Winter Brawl)

    I just wonder how exactly can we contact the team? Utoh said he is the *only* person who can speak english in the Project Soul... is he the one who is writing on Daishi's twitter maybe?
    I don't know. I guess we could contact FilthieRich as he seems to be the Namco rep. for the community.
    Some of the things i hear here about Project Soul is just so awkward and... Ah damn, i almost "hate" those guys sometimes...
    I would recommend random ducks against Asta all day long. ;)
    I wish there was a duckhead helmet and bird wings for Voldo so we could make Ducking Ducks against Asta.
    Yeah random ducking is the only way I ever get anywhere. But it's the 1 mistake and you're dead thing that hurts so much. CH 6B or 624 B+G anywhere near a wall or ring edge = death. CE wouldn't be so bad if that was the ONLy way he could run the doom combo
    *aargh sry pls excuse the typos
    Maybe you are right... Maybe he is to good now. But i don´t think 6B is that good. But his throws and CE are now seriously to strong.
    What do you feel about Astaroth right now? He seems so powerful to me. His grabs are now a proper 50/50, and 6B is just a joke. Any CH and half your life, or a wall combo of death, or a RO. And it's completely safe. So you can't afford to attack Asta at disadvantage, so his slow speed doesn't matter. I feel like to win a tourney now you have to pick Cervy or Asta or Alpha or Mitsu or Natsu or just don't bother.
    Hey Jag, are you, Dag and Kerrigan still coming to Cannes?
    I'm arriving there on wednesday night with the other UK players, hope I can get some casuals with you all. =)
    We try to get there on thursday. Still have to pay tickets though... :/
    hallo!!! wie geht's? =)
    Oh hallo Chyo! Welch eine Überraschung. Mir geht es gut soweit, vielen Dank. ^^

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