Thanks man! I'm glad I could put on a show. I figure one of these days I might get win it.

Partisan is a hell of a player and keeping up with all of that starts to wear down my mind and my thumb.

I really appreciate the support though, when will I see you wreck up deutschland with homegrown Siegfried?
Oh i am not ready to play at tourneys yet. Although sacharja is trying to persuade me to come to EBO, there are still so much areas where i need to improve.

Playing against sach really helps to get better though. Such a strong player. Btw do you go to evo?
I won't be at EVO unfortunately, I need to turn a profit to pay off some debt.

I'd love to see some other Sieg's in action to steal some techniques. And I look forward to watching Sacharja at EBO.
Oh definitely. I am not sure if we will see his sieg though, afaik he will play algol and he has a pocket pat.

Maybe its for the better though if we won't see strong sieg players at EVO, you know NAMCO is watching you. Evo will definitely affect future patching from what i've heard.
Maybe they'll see the whiffs and decide to fix them. Or is that a statistical improbability?

ShenYuan should make a strong showing.