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  • whats up son, offline casuals?
    Sure, let me start driving down to the states.
    I do plan to start attending some East Coast tournaments later in the summer. Should be fun.
    I want to but most of them are during soccer season for me.. when I have no free time. Let me know which ones you go to. I've been practicing more often now and my connection has gotten better so we should try some more onlines.
    One day I will get my revenge for your Hilde trolling. Lol
    You know her tracking is out of the top. It seems worse than Mitsu's. Lol then couple that with Sieg's bad step distance and you have yourself a crappy MU.
    Lol darn you then, I'll eventually get better. I wish I could play you people offline. It's way more fun offline. Even if I'm getting my ass kicked every time.
    Everything I learned about SC I learned from the internet.
    I know, you use online as a training tool. I do myself, I just think offline is funner because you get to actually know what your opponent looks like and the vibe from the fight is totally different. Teach me more though, I plan to enter tournaments myself when I can afford to.
    Congrats for your placing at TTT. You almost had that whΩre.
    That PS controller seemed to fuck with your combos though lol
    No idea but i'll sure hope so. Theres also belial who reports the glitches/whiffs to namco russia.

    I am surely hyped for EVO. I am curios how those japanese sieg fare against international competition. There are around 10 players from japan coming but i have no clue if the sieg players are among them.
    ShenYuan is from China, and I dig his style.
    Oh no questions about that, i've watched his tournaments closely and he is legit.
    Btw have you played some sieg mirrors against heaton? Would be kind of interested to know, who plays the better sieg.
    I didn't get to see your matches as I was out of town. Send me a link later or something.
    For sure man.
    I actually got around watching all finals and it was amaaazing. I really enjoyed it. Good shit as expected.
    I'm glad you enjoyed it!
    Still enjoying Siegfried?
    Good on you. A lot of people - myself included - dropped him because he's so different from SC4's fun, 22(B) spamming, roulette dancing machine. To be certain, Siegfried's probably the most viable he's ever been, but...he's not the Siegfried I'm so fond of.

    Glad to see that there was at least one old hat who still enjoys him.
    I'm sorry to hear that. I know roulette is weaker, but his game from Neutral is stronger than ever. And he is inconceivably safe compared to the rest of the cast. Which is a totally new angle.
    He is definitely quite good, and I rate him at least mid-tier, if not upper-mid. My only real beef with him is that he's not as fun for me to play anymore. SC4 Siegfried was a radically different beast from this iteration, and while this iteration is good, there's just something about him that fails to hold my interest.

    At the very least, I'll keep him in my pocket just in case.
    Do you have PSN? Let's hook up and play online some time. I needed the Sieg knowledge.
    No PSN, only on XBL at the moment. Sorry man.
    I didn't know you played asta? Awesome games to watch though! You can thank me any time you want for all the pyrrha training i've given you... ;) Congrats on the win buddy
    I took a gamble, and reset my opponent's Siegfried knowledge meter. And then won with shenanigans. I owe you a debt of gratitude for the Pyrrha training. Though that person used no 22K so I'm not sure I learned much from our matches.
    Well done kicking all sorts of ass today. Fourth place isn't bad at all, but beating Vincent with Siegfried is worth a lifetime of glory. Live it up, Siegfriend.
    Dude, check out the Toronto Tournament thread in Tournament announcements. I hyped you up so the pressure is on for you to not disappoint. ;)
    Oh, I laughed at that thread already. All I can say is, I hope people can actually block lows on reaction on PSN. XD.
    Ya know, for a guy that I had never heard of, he kinda caught me off guard. He used Nightmare... and he used him like we do! I think that's what gave me the upper hand honestly.

    Also, breaking out of FC B+G, W!, back throw three times helped me. I don't know how I kept breaking it...
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