It's temporary for I will leave again, but I guess I'll take every insult for what I've done and just be at peace with them.
Ishimaru Jinrai
Ishimaru Jinrai
I want to give you props and saying I shouldn't boast about going to non-8wayrun tournaments, when you yourself haven't been to 1 tournament yet....

It's like asking directions from a blind man... LOL!
Since you insist on using "I've been to tourneys" card, then fighting me in thunderdome should be easy for you....or are you gonna use that "it'd be a waste of time" card on me?

No matter, feel free to bomb my page.
Ishimaru Jinrai
Ishimaru Jinrai
Before you start giving out life advice, live it.

And hey, didn't you "retire from the SC scene"? Or are you coming out of retirement to play a "meaningless Online Match"? As you so condescendingly like to phrase it.
Things are different, catgirl. I'm at that point where I'm caring less and less about being number one in online and offline.

I'd go to a tourney and call it a day if an opportunity itself.

Despite that, a pointless match is when both sides think it is.

If you think a match with me is pointless, then you're missing out on the pure intent of what I invite.
Ishimaru Jinrai
Ishimaru Jinrai
You're forgetting... You're not an established Offline player or Online player. If this is you not trying anymore, LOL, then I'd assume you quit months ago!!

I never said fighting you would be pointless, I'd derive enjoyment beating you, yes. But would that magically stop you from being a self-righteous hypocrite? No.
Ishimaru Jinrai
Ishimaru Jinrai
"8wayrun tournaments are the NBA of SC tournaments!!"

- Spoken by a man who's never played offline...
Let's go out of our way to make people feel like shit!

Norik, there's no need to defend me. What I did past, present, and future is what it is.

Called out unnecessary attention and made a big deal out of it.

Putting that aside, I will say that my intentions are simple: fight to win and have fun.
I'm not gonna sit and nitpick if I already know he's gonna flake out. I don't need establish if I'm an online or an offline to a strife-hearted person.

The only thing I establish is me vs whoever wants to fight me.
Or I'm gonna start challenging certain peeps for some ggs.
Ishimaru Jinrai
Ishimaru Jinrai
You called me out. You talked shit about me saying I'm not a "tournament player", and when I mentioned the tournaments I've been too, you just said "well they weren't 8wayrun tournaments!"

The fact that you've never been to a single tournament just puts a veil of hypocrisy on everything you say Pocky... Sorry.
Ishimaru Jinrai
Ishimaru Jinrai
"Flake out?"

Maybe I should make a 45 minute long BS Goodbye speech like you. Then I can talk all the undirected shit I want, LOL!
You truly are butthurt over small things.

I see no vids of you in tourneys I watch. The only vids I see is you playing online stuff.

I don't even see you in tourney threads speaking the fun you had or rivalries.

I don't even see people here acknowledge you, unless you brag about something.
If you gotta nitpick on every little detail on what I am, then do it to your hearts content.