Violent Vodka
Violent Vodka
All versions use the same workspace, yeah. If there's no gamesaves backed up that had that character, it would be lost if you'd overwritten/deleted the character.
Well that's exceedingly upsetting. I put a lot of work into that OC, so trying to recreate her based on foggy memory is gonna be frustrating since I won't be able to replicate everything 100%. I suppose it's my fault for not having backed up anything besides the workspace.
Semi related note, do you know how to make it so all the windows in your editor fit and line up correctly? Whenever I use it it's windowed and things are all over the place, the icons to move, copy etc. workspace slots are 3/4 of the way underneath the ones from the save for example.
Violent Vodka
Violent Vodka
Yeah, I don't back up the workspace, only the gamesaves themselves.

As far as it all not lining up correctly, I have no idea why it does that for some people. On my laptop and my desktop, everything is fine. Since I don't experience the issue, I can't really do the proper tests to resolve the issue, unfortunately.
Eh, I'll get over it. I had a couple hex questions if you don't mind. I'm just starting to try to work with 1p/2p stuff. Does it all come with character's heads, or am I missing something? (1/2)
You probably know this, but using 001100011F/01 when combined with certain hairstyles adds Nightmare's helm hair. So far, when I've used it replacing the 04 and 06 slot of two different male characters respectively, somehow it's worked without displacing any accessories, but only on those two. Any tricks you know to using 1p/2p models cleanly like that? (2/2)
Violent Vodka
Violent Vodka
Unfortunately, the 1P/2P costumes cannot be broken up like they could in SC4. What you see is what you'll get. the Mainframe (link in the About form) has pictures under "PICS" towards the top of the menu panel.

And yeah, I know of the hair thingy. As far as it not displacing accessories, it depends on the slot you pick. If you use my editor, it should keep accessories in place regardless of which spot you pick.
So how is it that when using Nightmare's unbroken section without the broken one makes his helmet hair appear without the rest of the model? According to what I understand, the broken section shouldn't appear at all without the unbroken base. Just an exception to the rule?
Also while I'm blasting your wall, would you happen to have a direct link to the newest version of the editor? I can't get past that update bug.
Violent Vodka
Violent Vodka
It doesn't? o.o It looks exactly like the Nightmare Helm hair to me. Thanks a ton for the link, I'll try the program on my laptop next time I get the chance and see if it's functionally sized. I was at least able to do the hair thing today, you were right, it doesn't displace anything. No more worrying about how to solve every CAS's puzzle for me! :D
Violent Vodka
Violent Vodka
Yeah, haha. Hope it all works out. Just let me know if you have any more issues.
As far as the sizing goes, I'll do some tests and see if I can resolve that.
The Program seems to work okay on the laptop. I have another question for you though. Would I be able to rip a hex edited character from my replay data and overwrite an existing one with it, or am I stuck eyeballing?
Violent Vodka
Violent Vodka
Yeah, if you've got the replay data of that character you lost, it stores the character data. You could pull it off there and manually paste it in the actual character data.
Oh not my character, another person's I fought. Would that work without ever having had their non-hexed character in my data?
Violent Vodka
Violent Vodka
Yeah, the replay data holds the character you fought. You can pull that out and paste it in yours.
I uhh...can't seem to find it. Saved replays should be in the data, not just the battle log right?
Violent Vodka
Violent Vodka
I'm not sure, I think they're stored in a subfile of it. If you click/drag the gamesave into Horizon and click on Contents, extract the Replay.bin file. it should be in there.
I'm on PS3, so all I have is Bruteforce.
Oh nevermind, wow I'm stupid. I'm so mechanically used to what I do I completely overlooked the file literally named Replay.dat sitting next to my save.