Violent Vodka
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  • I've officially pre-ordered and pre-paid for the Soulcalibur VI - Deluxe Edition on Steam!

    Catch me streaming starting on October 18th (thank the lort for Steam's global release) around 9am MDT...ish, depending on how long it takes to download.... and update.
    Where can I find Download version 11.4.3 of your SCV editor? The link on your website takes me to version 11.3.0 and can only update to version 99.9.9 (which doesn't work). So do you have a direct link I could use or anything? Thank you!
    i tried that link and it seems to have error's, so i dont know if there would be a day to see a better fix for the program, cause i tried updating the in the past and it was not the problem. i even have seen someone eles using the updated version, same problem as me where you cant see the outfits or access the other options.
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    As I've told you several times, I'm not planning on updating it anymore.
    Grøh seems pretty cool until you remember that headset technology didn't exist in the game's timeline. He talks like a badass... to himself.
    I just upgraded my PC. Video Card: 670 4gb -> 1080 8gb. RAM: 8GB -> 40GB. 4k Monitor.. My body is ready
    I keep getting a Microsoft.NET error (Unhandeled expectation) although I do have the latest version of Microsoft.NET. I have tried running as Admin and in Compatibility mode to no avail. Any ideas on what I can do? Thanks!
    hey there violent, whenever i download the update to your tool that is 99.99 , i get a error of Microsoft dot net framework with a red x and a long text, how do i fix it ? also in the add or delete programs, i don't have any of the frameworks installed, cause i might get a blue screen.
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    The editor currently uses 4.6.1. Anything newer can't hurt, but isn't required to run the program.
    ok ill get 4.6.1 then thanks for the help, hopefully i wont get the blue screen or any problem.

    edit: so i downloaded the 4.6.1 and got a error saying i already have a version that is higher then the one that was going to download.
    Does violent Vodka work on windows 10? I get an error after it says it's up to date.
    Unfortunately the message box pops up and disappears too fast for me to be able to read it. But there is a red sign with an X in the center of it. Do i need to download .Net framework stuff to make it work?
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    The program needs the .NET framework to function, yes. I've just never heard of it doing this without it. But yeah, try that and let me know.
    Sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this. I downloaded the latest version of .NET Framework on my laptop and attempted to load the program again and it successfully loaded. Thanks for the help! ^_^
    Bug Update on Version 11.5.1: - Edit Extra equipment results in message 'Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow'
    Version 11.5.0: - Advanced Proportions and Hit Packs not saving
    Also a proposal for thumbnails: Make it into a thumbnail swap tool instead. Make a thumbnail process in-game, take the thumbnail from new slot, then overwrite characters thumbnail that you are editing.
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    I fixed the advanced proportions and hit pack issues in 11.5.2*.
    I'll look into why the extra editor is spazzing again.
    I sent you a message via the editor, but got no confirmation that it has been sent, so in case you haven't received it... The patterns and special equipment are broken. It changes some settings after you finish editing, which will crash the game. Special equipment values all get reverted to 0 after finishing and it messes with creations who already had special equipment as well, even if you don't edit those values.
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    Yeah, I've gotten reports of it, but I haven't had time to mess around with the programming lately.
    need help getting your SC5 save editor working. it updates and downloads the zip file and all, but upon loading, it gets stuck at checking for updates. an error message comes up and has some kind of information in it, but all i remember from it is that something is being sent to a JIT debugger. this is as far as i get. am i missing something? do i need the .net framework or something?
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    If it were a .NET framework issue, I don't think the program would even start at all. I think you may have gotten a weird installment.
    Download the program directly from and try to update with that.
    If I delete my source code again, so help me god...
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    What if you did?
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    I did. The main form in my editor was deleted after I'd just finished overhauling a certain part, so I had to go from a backup from a few days ago, and that's no fun.
    For another program, I deleted literally everything on accident, so.. It could've been worse.
    I ran into an extremely unusual issue with your program after an update: the thumbnails just broke. Now they look like the golden "New Character" slot but without the text (or the 'backside' of the thumbnail if that helps). It's also the same for any new characters I make: the gold card. Not even black. I have no idea how they broke.
    I'm on the PS3, however, so I apologize for that. I do like your program however!
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    That's strange.. I'm not sure why that worked.. I may not have set it to properly write an image if necessary.. I'll look into that.
    Hello, just a question, can you add an option you can add where it colors all of the equipment at the same time, and an option to remove the colors? Its a painful process for me to color equipment when making characters lol

    also where is them eyebrows
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    I'm not sure what you mean "at the same time"?
    As for removing colors, you can right click on them from the editor to disable the color block.

    Yeah, I keep forgetting to put eyebrows in. It just stores it in an entirely different spot than equipment, so it gets overlooked.
    I mean, like, you know how in the vanilla creation, the top color block could color ALL of the equipment colors? For example, coloring it black would change all of the equipment black, coloring it pink will make all the equipment pink, etc
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    So every color block at once.. I guess I could add that..
    Okay so im having problems i copy my save on to a flash drive then put it on the computer i use bruteforce save data to decrypt my file once thats done i go to vilent vodka save editor and load my file but none of my guys show up how do i fix this problem i cant get my save to show up on the editor i know to decrypt and encrypt when finished im on ps3 can anyone help
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    Unfortunately, I don't own a PS3, so I can't help with how to get it working on the console again. All I did to make the editor work was download a save online and find the character data.
    okay thank you well when i figure it out ill let you know incase someone else ask you the same question
    hi i just downloaded your program and im having and issue. i made a character, and saved it to both sections (the workplace and the save area) in an open slot. i put the data back on the drive and put it back into my ps3 but my character wont show up under any of my created characters. how do i fix this?
    Did you decrypt your save before opening it in the save editor? If you're using PS3 you have to use a program called bruteforce to decrypt the save. Then use it again to encrypt it and put it back in once you're done editing it.
    you need to encrypt for violent vodka? i didnt know that, thought only hex editor used brute force
    you need it for any save file editing regardless if its Hex editor or Violent Vodka, or else the program won't read the save file properly.
    I accidentally deleted a character I had backed up in your workspace, and apparently updates to the user files in one version's folder affect another's. There are no previous Windows versions with said character in the data. Am I screwed?
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    Oh, haha. Makes sense.
    I spoke too soon, when I loaded my data I got DLC incompatibility message. I have all the DLC and it isn't the first time I've got such an error, though I'm uncertain what triggers it. Perhaps because the game doesn't know what the replay-character was like before the hex edits.
    Violent Vodka
    Violent Vodka
    It shouldn't matter what it was like beforehand. Try just copying the equipment section.
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