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  1. Blossom

    Soul Calibur OST + Hip - Hop =

    this .
  2. Blossom

    thoughts on new update

    go 10chars
  3. Blossom

    Repairing a scratched CD ?

    . . . so , my CD calibur has been scratched like shiet . and it won't really get read by my xbox , and if it does , it can't read certain customization parts of customized characters . anything that loads with stages and REGULAR non-customized (1P and 2P) characters work nicely , however if a...
  4. Blossom

    Using 1_2k and other cheap lows as a mean to end a match

    what's your position on this ? what do you think ? is it only cheap online ? if i respect my opponent i won't do it , but if they're a bitch and they expect a low as a finisher , a mid is gonna hit them across the face .
  5. Blossom

    I'm going to name my kids nightmare and siegfried

    so , i have a plan . shall my girlfriend give birth to 2 initial males i will name them nightmare and siegfried . then , when they grow up i'm going to have them beat THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER . NO , i'm kidding . but i am 100% serious about naming my kids nightmare and siegfried . my...
  6. Blossom

    PS3 copy of SC:IV

    i want a PS3 copy of SCIV . simply because i have the need to face bubbles and some other people on PSN . i've seen SC4 at walmart here for $30 amazon for about $14 + $3.99 shipping...
  7. Blossom

    small rant about how much my nightmare has been reduced =[

    i really don't know what to do . lately when i've been playing i feel like my move vocabulary with nightmare has been reduced to very few moves . i comepletely stopped using moves like 6K , 6A , and in place of both of them i now use aGa . i've started to punish every blocked attack with a 1k or...
  8. Blossom

    I play sc4 weird .

    when i play i only use my middle finger and my index finger to press the regular ABKG buttons . and i rest the bottom part of my palm on the bottom right part of the controller just below the ABKG buttons . anyone else do this ?
  9. Blossom

    Even more phail than HajimeOwari's thread .

    RvGUuXy0ebs IT'S FAIL WITH A PH !
  10. Blossom

    Rollers , GS KK , GS [Delayed] KK .

    what are good nm moves for rollers ? and does anybody use/have the frame data for GS [delay] KK for that "extra glide" you get from far range ?
  11. Blossom

    Uncyclopedia: Soul Calibur i dont know if any has posted this or seen this , BUTTT WHO FINDS THIS FUNNY ?! i really do . it's funny shit . my favorite part ? Astaroth (pronounced “big bob”) is a bright and cheerful seven year-old in Mrs. Puff’s Kindergarten...
  12. Blossom

    If Soul Calibur had blood . . .

    wouldn't it be awesome ? xD
  13. Blossom

    Nightmare wall combo discussion , anyone ?

    i haven't seen a thread about nightmare's wall combos , and as a starting-out nightmare player , i think that i would like to discuss some wall combo set-ups . because nightmare is just that bad-ass , and rapes people at a wall . and i was hoping that if any of you who know some-- can share...
  14. Blossom

    66b > 33b

    anyone have any trouble doing this combo ? i cant seem to make the 8 way run for 33b fast enough =\
  15. Blossom

    3 A+B/[A+B] Strategy/Use ?

    why is it that i dont see anyone use 3 A+B ? i've watched a lot of sieg videos , but there's not one that i have saw used 3 A+B . is it because it's nooby ? xD usually i would use it after SCH [B] , or something like a successful normal combo like 3b , k , b , or just 3b , b . someone tell me...
  16. Blossom

    1P and 2P NM ?

    what's the difference besides appearance ? x.x oops , maybe is it siding ? sorry for being a stupid noob .______. also which would be preferred ?