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  1. iMesmerise


    It's better than I thought it was. I honestly wasn't too hyped for Destiny until I played through the Beta.
  2. iMesmerise

    Sword Lord publishes a book

    I can't wait for the movie.
  3. iMesmerise

    Petition for SoulCalibur III HD Online on PS3 and Xbox 360 release

    Please release something besides a Free to play single player only PS3 exclusive or some stupid mobile game. Anything besides those.
  4. iMesmerise

    DARK SOULS 2- Praise the sun

    It's already started. I got my 3 petrified somethings the other day.
  5. iMesmerise

    DARK SOULS 2- Praise the sun

    I was thinking about Dark Souls 2 in relation to the first game and stumbled across this video. Pretty much agree with everything this guy said, thought I'd share it.
  6. iMesmerise

    = Project Fu*king Beast first video =

    This makes me sad
  7. iMesmerise

    = Project Fu*king Beast first video =

    Eh, I'll wait until I get some more info later on down the road to be hyped. Anyway, this might not even be a Souls game, could be something entirely new, or a Shadow Tower game. I'll share this vid here
  8. iMesmerise

    = Project Fu*king Beast first video =

    That's a fan made trailer made up of leaked bits that were posted to the internetz. I kinda figured considering they used the opening song from Demon's Souls. I'm really hoping that the info that was leaked is not in fact legit, more specifically the part about it being Sony exclusive.
  9. iMesmerise

    DARK SOULS 2- Praise the sun

    I thought these two vids were pretty cool :P
  10. iMesmerise

    = Gatsu's Official Temple of teh Random CaS Stuff =

    That Benhart though....
  11. iMesmerise

    anyone else getting sick of Mods?

    As long as they aren't negatively affecting my gameplay experience/the gameplay experience of others such as giving themselves an advantage through means unobtainable in game, then I couldn't care less. This is how I feel among all games, not just SCV.
  12. iMesmerise

    Xbox One clips

    The way I used to do it, (before they changed it to OneDrive) was once you recorded the clip, you could edit it then upload it to Upload Studio. When you did that, you could also choose to upload it to the Skydrive (now One Drive) I don't know if they changed that since then though