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  1. U

    SoulCast Episode #12: Something-Unique

    And u ask why I'm posting here? LOL, every section I went into that had a thread discussing Post Evo 2012 rule changes was locked. Why's mine gonna be any different? Another indication of the depths of fail this board has descended into anytime any type of opposition against the powers at...
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    SoulCast Episode #12: Something-Unique

    it doesn't matter who I am, but by principle you really want to be part of a community run by a dictatorship? if so, u should just move to North Korea or one of those other countries ran by "noble" leaders...why not? their justification and philosophy is the same nah let's get real, there's a...
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    Tekken player who is trying SCV.

    As someone who's used every Tekken character (except for some new TTT2 chars) for a period of time, I would say Jack-6 is the easiest to use and pickup. His combos are pretty darn easy and he is like the equivalent of 5-move Xianghua at the beginning (mastering him is another story). However, if...
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    P90X results: This stuff really works

    yo shogun u seem like a kool kat so u_mad gonna stop da trollin up in dis thread bein real, i aint got no hate fo people workin out cuz u_mad keeps his body fit for da ladies too and dats gangsta u_mad figured this forum needed some spice up in dat ass so he came up in here to hype up da...
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    The Weight Loss Thread

    calories in < calories out thread solved
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    P90X results: This stuff really works

    P90x is not some "magical"'s basically just good packaging and marketing of core and basic exercises look, I'm real happy for you, but hoola hoops are da greatest exercise of all time...OF ALL TIME not rainin on ya parade but once you workout long enough and have enough experience...
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    P90X results: This stuff really works

    da phuck, i never said to do squats n' shit over and over again u can apply muscle confusion to your workouts by switching up da exercises or da pace of da exercises...and this program sounds like the creator stole the name from dat Goldeneye game RCP-90
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    P90X results: This stuff really works

    there is no wishing for a 6-pack, there is only get da damn 6-pack
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    P90X results: This stuff really works

    if you guys really want to get into efficient bodybuilding, u gotta get ur asses to the gym and start learnin' how to do heavy compound lifts: squats, standing military presses/push presses, bench press, deadlifts, etc.