P90X results: This stuff really works

I'm only at day 10 (stretched over 13 days >_<) and I'm already getting some results. I could barely do any of the AB Ripper X and now it's at the point I can do everything with them except I needed breaks on the Scissors and that final exercise. My abs feel solid and I'm startin to trim fat so hopefully bout week4-5 I'll have that 6 pack.

As for adjustable weights, get ones that can change quickly. I bought some crappy ones at Walmart and they take so long to change it's not worth it and as well as some other issues. If you want an alternative get a set of bands. They're MUCH cheap, but i prefer the weights.

Don't get demoralized. I'm still doing really sloppy versions of the lot of the exercises with lower reps than them but it gets smoother each time. Always look for cheater methods, but try to grow out of them. If you feel a burn, your doing it right. I'm gonna be using a chair for pull ups for awhile :/

Nothing wrong with using the chair for pull ups, seeing as most people don't use their back muscles often.
I'm only at day 10 (stretched over 13 days >_<) and I'm already getting some results. I could barely do any of the AB Ripper X and now it's at the point I can do everything with them except I needed breaks on the Scissors and that final exercise. My abs feel solid and I'm startin to trim fat so hopefully bout week4-5 I'll have that 6 pack.

As for adjustable weights, get ones that can change quickly. I bought some crappy ones at Walmart and they take so long to change it's not worth it and as well as some other issues. If you want an alternative get a set of bands. They're MUCH cheap, but i prefer the weights.

Don't get demoralized. I'm still doing really sloppy versions of the lot of the exercises with lower reps than them but it gets smoother each time. Always look for cheater methods, but try to grow out of them. If you feel a burn, your doing it right. I'm gonna be using a chair for pull ups for awhile :/

That's what's up IFB, keep continuing to bring it! Yea this program will give you awesome results. Only thing I recommend to you is in the early stages to try not to skip any days. If you have no choice but to skip a day or you feel you didn't get the results you wanted it's not wrong to repeat that same week over (as long as you don't do it for more than 2 times cause it takes away from the muscle confusion).

Modify, modify, modify until your body gets use to it. When I started day one I could only do 30 minutes of the chest and back with 80 push-ups at the most and I threw up. By the end of the workout I made it up to 270 push-ups and didn't get queezy. It's all about doing your best at that present time and to keep inproving.

I'm using those crappy wal-mart adjustable weights at the moment and yea, it's very slow (especially when your doing shoulders and arms).

@Aries I heard about the same thing, Milk from cows just isn't made to absorb into a humans body properly. It has everything we need, just not made for us. I dunno how true it is but when I lowered my consumption of it I did get faster results, so I dunno. I guess different people just react to it different ways.

And with the cha chas comment I really question my milk consumption now lol.
if you guys really want to get into efficient bodybuilding, u gotta get ur asses to the gym and start learnin' how to do heavy compound lifts: squats, standing military presses/push presses, bench press, deadlifts, etc.
^ p90x is for people who want to get rid of excess fat as fast as possible while maintaining lean body mass. It has little to do with the whole "body building" thing. That will come later. Body buliding is an art, it can take ages before you finally get the whole idea of bulk/cut cycles. Then the steroids come xD a lot of people who show off their amazing bodies are not natural.
if you guys really want to get into efficient bodybuilding, u gotta get ur asses to the gym and start learnin' how to do heavy compound lifts: squats, standing military presses/push presses, bench press, deadlifts, etc.

Lol, I wonder who's troll account this is?

I'll play along too, p90x is designed for people who want strength, endurance, flexibility, speed.....the whole nine yards. It improves everything without losing nothing, there's nothing that this workout doesn't tweak. With that being said in my opinion I don't see doing squats, standing military presses/push presses, bench presses over and over will give you the same speed of results. You will get results eventually, but not near as fast as you could with the idea behind muscle confusion. Spice it up, it's the way of life!
what i want to know, is how long before you all start comparing ab pics and make visiting this thread worthwhile?
There's not much to show in my case. I can only see my "abs" with a good lightning and when I flex. You can also see loose skin on my lower abdomen after losing 120lbs, I'm gonna have it removed. I will post an update pic in 6 months after I get the surgery, it should look better then (with a nice 20inch scar =0 ) I wish I could get a nice 6 pack someday but I don't know if it's possible, I've got a lot of stretch marks on my stomach, a big part of them will get removed along with the skin but some will stay, and skin still might not be tight enouh to show the definition... the only other option is the "Fleur de Lis" tummy tuck with an inverted "T" incision, which would get rid of the stretch marks but would leave a pretty long vertical scar.. I don't know what to choose.

Don't get fat guys, you will regret it.
da phuck, i never said to do squats n' shit over and over again u can apply muscle confusion to your workouts by switching up da exercises or da pace of da exercises...and this program sounds like the creator stole the name from dat Goldeneye game RCP-90
what i want to know, is how long before you all start comparing ab pics and make visiting this thread worthwhile?

Well I don't have a rock solid core sheet yet, I still have to high a body fat percentage. But even then......that would feel kinda weird lol.
They do challenges like that @ bodybuilding.com all the time with prizes (IIRC some stuff from the BB shop), anyone interested in fitness, health, nutrition and BB should check that forum.

Shogun, have you tried any of the Insanity series workout yet? That is so intense, p90x cardio exercises seem like a joke compared to this one. But it feels good! Plyo and cardioX are way too easy after a while.
Nah I haven't tried it yet but if the cardio portions kicks plyometrics ass then yea I might have to try those out! I'm almost to the end of my recovery week and then I start p90x doubles! I figured that since school is out i'd try to max out my muscle confusion and upgrade to doubles! This will be pretty intense I know. Thanks for the tip Ring, I'll look into insanity's cardio and maybe try switching it out with plyo (plyometrics still sorta kick my ass though).
Yeah, you should check it out. I'm thinking about doing doubles or lean routine january next year. Which one would be better for reducing the body fat %?

Also lol @ Lobo's christmas present: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbsSeVr5NSI

Does this really work? I couldn't tell if this was a joke AD or some serious stuff but apparently it's real.
dude...the thing is no joke. it came with a card saying to use it for 7 minutes...i have yet to find anyone who can do it for more than one.

also one of the waitresses at work busted herself in the cheek trying to use it. it left a good bruise. i foresee a broken teeth recall.
Yeah, you should check it out. I'm thinking about doing doubles or lean routine january next year. Which one would be better for reducing the body fat %?

Also lol @ Lobo's christmas present: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbsSeVr5NSI

Does this really work? I couldn't tell if this was a joke AD or some serious stuff but apparently it's real.

For body fat % it's Doubles all the way, just being able to handle its intensity is the hard part. You will have to take in a little bit more calories when doing doubles for a more effective weight loss of body percentage and definition, but overall it's a more intense p90x training system. I start mine tomorrow, whew this gonna be something.
There's not much to show in my case. I can only see my "abs" with a good lightning and when I flex. You can also see loose skin on my lower abdomen after losing 120lbs, I'm gonna have it removed. I will post an update pic in 6 months after I get the surgery, it should look better then (with a nice 20inch scar =0 ) I wish I could get a nice 6 pack someday but I don't know if it's possible, I've got a lot of stretch marks on my stomach, a big part of them will get removed along with the skin but some will stay, and skin still might not be tight enouh to show the definition... the only other option is the "Fleur de Lis" tummy tuck with an inverted "T" incision, which would get rid of the stretch marks but would leave a pretty long vertical scar.. I don't know what to choose.


Lol I can't believe I just posted that.

Don't get fat guys, you will regret it.
Ring, how much did you first weigh and how much do you weigh now?
I'm not exactly sure but I think the most I ever weighed was about 290-300 lbs (only for a short period, that was about 2 years ago) Now I'm sitting at 185lbs and I'm 6'1. I want to lose about 10 more in the next 5 months. Hopefully that would put me somewhere in the 10% BF range. I'm gonna do p90x doubles starting january like Shogun suggested. We will see how it goes:P