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  1. Neclord

    Is the game worth it?

    Hey everyone, I am looking for a new 3D Fighter and I heard some criticism about Soul Calibur 5 so I decided to wait a little bit. Now it's available for about 30 Bucks and I also heard from Maximillian (The Online Warrior series), that the netcode is pretty solid. Fighters I enjoyed online...
  2. Neclord

    Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm

    I am really hyped about the game. New units look amazing and can't wait to see what Kerrigan's plans are. =) Hype trailer!
  3. Neclord


    Hi all. I'm 25 years old and I play a lot of different genres, but my main genres are RPGs, RTS and Fighting Games. I'm a big Ivy fan :sc4ivy1: and I played SCIV a lot. And now I am waiting for SCV. Glad that Ivy is back. :)