360 -> PS3 adapters

I bought that one several weeks ago...works just fine and have used it several times, HolyCarp was having a similar problem in not getting it to work, got his working aswell...the process to use it is odd, but trust me it works.

I'll explain it step by step:
(I assume you're playing on a 360 with a PS3 pad)
  • the first thing you need is a "wired" XBOX controller...this is essential! without this the adapter won't work, the controller can be official or 3rd party, but you absolutely need one! wireless xbox controllers even with a lead will not do at all.
  • next step is to switch on the 360 and plug in the mayflash adapter
  • plug your WIRED 360 controller into the adapter, the adapter should then glow a solid red indicating that it is indeed operational (if not unplug the adapter and controller and plug them back in, adapter first and then the 360 controller)
  • then you unplug the 360 controller...the adapter should then be blinking red.
  • take your PS3 controller and USB cable and hook them up the adapter and press the home button.
  • the adapter should then glow a solid red meaning you can now use your PS3 controller on your 360.
keep note that if the adapter is disconnected from the console at any point you will have to restart the process
The problem is that the converter doesn't recognise many xbox controllers. You just have to be lucky enough to have, or know someone who has, a compatible wired xbox pad.

So yeah, trial and error...
after recent events yes HC is right...tried some wired controller in particular and WolfLones seemed to work flawlessly while HC's didn't work as all...might be worth jut investing in an official wired pad....can't seem to find the one Adam was using
He was using a Cronus converter, but I'm not sure if I'd recommend that to someone in the US since it's banned at many tourneys. I didn't notice it when trying it out, but apparently it can cause offline lag.