8WAYRUN Members Picture Thread

Contrary to popular belief I actually dont drink at all. Well I shouldnt say that. But I will drink if Im at home, have no kids around and dont gotta work the next day. So which leaves oppurtunity for like 2 times a year if that. Drinking was just never my thing.

If yall havent tasted alchol yet, then I highly recommend that you dont. If youve gotten this far without it....Chances are your better of without it.

and just to keep on topic......

My family has an easter tradition. We let the kids have an easter egg hunt early in the morning. Then the adults get one. Its a no holds barred anything goes blood blath. Or buttcrack bath. This is how the Hot Rod Family rolls of easter yo....

That's quite the Easter egg hunt..... but I can't help but think maybe HRJ was probably having a trollface while you guys searched? Silly yet sweet vid of family. I really wish you guys the best.

Yeah he pretty much did. Hes 12 now so he figured out the easter bunny and santa are not real. so he had a kinda shitty attitude about it. Been trying to teach him that holidays are about together-ness with family. Thats why we do the "adult" egg hunt to get some laughs going. Its pretty funny specially with all my aunts and uncles there to!
Yeah he pretty much did. Hes 12 now so he figured out the easter bunny and santa are not real. so he had a kinda shitty attitude about it. Been trying to teach him that holidays are about together-ness with family. Thats why we do the "adult" egg hunt to get some laughs going. Its pretty funny specially with all my aunts and uncles there to!

Sometimes, it takes time for us young'uns to come around lol. So what you're doing as a father is the very foundation that your son will turn out just as you. At first, I probably thought it's stupid back then when I was his age. But now, I understood that back then I was beginning the phase "the cool kids would do something more awesome than say boring family times" trend. Don't get me wrong though, I still was affectionate. But as of now, I give more hugs than I did as a 12 year old to my parents and actually invite them sometimes to watch anime with me or what not but they busy. *pouts*

tl;dr. It's great to have parents like you. Though I already have an awesome dad lol. But you get my point.
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any of yaw mother fuckers going to otakon?
My goal is to cosplay as Pico from boku no pico and get on stream and troll the hell out of it

oh and so this doesn't get deleted for being offtopic
Yeah, well...

Actually, I have no comeback for this...

Dont worry man. I think Julie Andrews was hot.....Back in the 60's. LOOOOOL.....i finally beat synraii....mwuhahahahaha

*Chim-Chimany, Chim-chimany, chim chim, cha-roo* hahahahaha
*Rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens*

10 bonus points whoever can tell me what movies those songs are from!!
Dont worry man. I think Julie Andrews was hot.....Back in the 60's. LOOOOOL.....i finally beat synraii....mwuhahahahaha

*Chim-Chimany, Chim-chimany, chim chim, cha-roo* hahahahaha
*Rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens*

10 bonus points whoever can tell me what movies those songs are from!!
Mary Poppins
Sound of Music

now what do I win? huh huh huh???
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