A community developed 3d versus game.


[08] Mercenary
A question to the community...

What features do you think would make a 3d fighting game stand out from the rest?

I am talking from the roots up so things to consider, are..

- The Core system, will it be a combo based game like Tekken, a technical game like VF etc

- The movement system, will it be free like soul calibur. or restricted to more 2d like tekken tag (that was more like 2.5d)

- Would bringing elements from the 2d genre boost gameplay like the chain combo system from games like Mvc3, blaze blue etc.

- Would a tag based game work? or a team battle based game like CVS2 3v3?

- Will super meters be implemented? or gauge bonuses like the grooves from CVS2?

There can never be a "Perfect" game but I would like to know what the perception of a good game is by the vast majority.

The reason I ask as I am sure some of you already know, I have been developing a game using the UDK (Unreal engine basically) based on the IP "Fate of the Gods"
(www.kmassop.com for more info), an xbox arcade license has been granted via a partner and a PSN license is currently being evaluated.

In a nutshell I am producing a game for xbox arcade and playstation network and need your feedback. This will aid me in implementing a "SOLID" versus engine that
will be fun to play at both amateur and professional level.

Let me know what you think, all feedback will be much appreciated.

The more complex you make your system, the harder it will be to balance.Complexity will also take more development time which relates to budget. That said I always loved the grooves from CVS2 and everyone loves a tag game. But it's entirely up to you what you do man. Couple of questions. Will this be an XBLA title or a retail title? And what sort of resources do you have available? I gotta say I never heard of the license but it looks pretty cool,though I'd have to know more before I could fairly tell you what would suit it.
It will be an XBLA and PSN title,depending on popularity we can port it to retail (XBLA limits games to 2 gig). So far $20k has gone into developing this and a lot of work has been done already.

It will be a game with very few characters/stages to begin with butmore will be added as time progresses (Monthly even) I want to get the core right before I got an spend a load on assets that are not needed right now.