A new soul arrives


[08] Mercenary
Hey guys!
I recently bought a Dreamcast with Soul Calibur I and couldn't help but to buy the fifth part shortly afterwards since it was just way too much fun.
I'm not exactly new to Esports, I followed Warcraft 3 for quite a few years and switched to Starcraft 2 about a year ago. Now Beat'Em'Ups caught my interest.

I haven't exactly found my main character yet, but I like Leixia and Tira a lot, although Viola is pretty cool too.
I play on PS 3 and use an arcade stick =)

My PSN-ID is neobanshee. Feel free to add me if you too are a beginner or if you would like to train somebody who is new to the game/genre. You can also follow me on twitter if you want (@neobanshee) :)

Hoping for a good time on 8WR and greetings from Germany! :)
Welcome to the asylum. You may be interested in these subforums:

Offline Matchmaking
PSN online matchmaking
PSN/XBL player list

All the usual competitive and common sense stuff applies here too: don't be a tool, don't discuss tier lists, don't let ye olde confirmation bias rule your train of thought in a discussion...Basic stuff. Have fun learning more and if you ever feel like checking out the lighter side of Soulcalibur we've got that, too. But we all know why you're *REALLY* here ;)
Well, I wouldn't say he's here for tourney stuff at first haha. Probably just here to see to try out SCV and all. But whatever the case, Pocky Yoshi is glad to have peeps like him on board. So neobanshee, will art thou give Pocky Yoshi a cookie? >3
^You always want a cookie! I'll give you one if you beat me in a match Yoshi. :P
Also welcome to 8wr neobanshee, it's a great site to learn about the game and to discuss the story & character mysteries. Through my few months here I've learned plenty and it's made me much better at the game.