Algol and Olcadan speculation


[09] Warrior
I don't know if this was mentioned before... but is it just me or does algol and olcadan almost share similar armors?


Algol was the first cannon holder of soul calibur and soul edge. Olcadan's profile states
Once, in an age now found only in myth, there was a man known by the name of Olcadan who was skilled in every kind of fighting art.
With one single exception that had ended in a draw, he could boast that he had been completely undefeated in innumerable duels he had fought. He then turned his eyes to the Gods. He fought and defeated a great owl that was a messenger of the God of war. The angry God cursed Olcadan, turning his head into that of an owl. Upon seeing this curse, the people tried to obtain the Gods' forgiveness by capturing Olcadan. Sorcerers known as the "sages of the oak" were sent after him. They took advantage of the vow he had made in order to become strong and captured him.
The God of war appeared in the form of a headless great owl, and sent Olcadan down into an ancient ruin that sprawled deep beneath the earth.
Unable to find an exit, he gave up and resigned himself to his fate, falling into a deep slumber.
The power of the Evil Seed, however, broke the seal of the labyrinth and Olcadan managed to escape. Stepping out from the labyrinth for the first time in an eternity, he learned that the world outside had changed greatly since his era. However, he was not particularly troubled by this fact. Those waves of power that had interrupted his sleep were undoubtedly the greatest power of the era.
He learned to survive in the new world by teaching people the fighting techniques that he had developed by himself, Over the course of several years, Olcadan gradually learned about the new era into which he had awoken. He then decided, in order to restore his combat senses that had dulled over the course of his long sleep, to cut off contact with the world by confining himself inside the labyrinth once more. His goal became to challenge the most powerful opponent of the current era. The opponent is a pair of cursed swords that had been young and weak in his own era, but these weapons, crafted by the hands of man, now rivaled the powers of the Gods.

Olcadan would have been alive when soul edge and soul calibur were at a infant state. Perhaps right after Algol created soul calibur from soul edge shards.

Perhaps Olcadan and Algol are from the same kingdom? They are both established as very old afterall.