All Things Gaming Episode 23 - Phrekwenci


[08] Mercenary
Hello, my handle is XelNaga, and I do this podcast on Tekken Zaibatsu called All Things Gaming, and I like to talk to different members of various FG communities, of various skill level, and listen to their stories and opinions on different subjects.

In this episode we detract from Tekken and talk about a bunch of games with DDR legend Phrekwenci. We talk abou his history with gaming, DoA, BlazBlue, GuiltyGear, the opinion of the FGC from a true outside perspective, and the topic of sponsorship. Thanks again for listening and we will catch you next time.

If interested in more episodes or wanted to hear some more SCV on it, check out the podcast page at the website there. If you could leave some feedback, it would be appreciated.