Am I the only one

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[13] Hero
Who got bored fairly quickly with SC5?

I bought the Limited edition version and everything as was super hyped about it. But I stopped playing after like three months, where as I was playing SC4 for years.

Maybe it was because I over hyped it? Or maybe it was the removal of some of my favorite styles. I'm not sure but a lot has changed and I cant quite put my finger on it.

SC2 HD though. that makes me so happy.
I'm kinda the same I guess, I was really hyped for the game and when I got it I played it as often as I could. But as with most games these days, re-playability is scarce since developers like to focus on the multiplayer part of the game, which also can become quite tiresome.

I played it a lot for the first few months but I feel like it didn't fulfil what I had expected, but we can't blame PS since they were pressured by Namco with time constraints and whatnot. I just hope that on the next one they get to have a little more time to make sure everything is good and up to scratch. Like, the story mode was really good but far too short for me personally. However, I have no idea how it could be lengthened so I guess I can't complain.

Legendary Souls and Quick Battle didn't really make offline play fun, and online nowadays is just a lot of people showing off their impressive (or vulgar/immature) CAS, so it's not much fun to play anymore. I also didn't find the GC much use, but I've heard people use them for big get-togethers so it's probably just me.

However the CaS was really impressive and offered a lot more freedom as to what to use and where to put it, although I still see CaS fans complaining which kinda upsets me since their part of the game was a big focus even with the time constraints and PS decided to do a lot of work on it and yet they are still complaining.

However, I hope SC2 HD Online revitalises my love for the series and dedication, and I hope for news of an SC6.
Well, when the game first game out I was incredibly excited for it and I enjoyed it once I got it. I still enjoy it now, even though there's nothing left to discover.
There was a hiccup early on as most of the people online were unbelievably bad, and I played Quick Battle and Legendary Souls for quite some time simply because the AI was more of a challenge... Now with the population waning (and sure to be decimated by SC2HDO) I'm am losing some interest again.

While I'd never say the same should be true for everyone, I like the selection of characters in V and all of my previous mains were removed (Talim, Amy, and Taki if you count her). CaS is fantastic, and hex editing has renewed my interest in this game a couple of times.

I've certainly got my money's worth, that's for sure.
Same here.
Got bored with SC5 after like 2-3 months.
And I've been playing SC4 for like..4 years.

Thankfully,SC2 is just 9 days away. :D
Nah SC5 was quality, only downfall is that its dead. Twats have to ruin everything.
I started to lose interest when the game and it's scheduled content releases were abandoned out of the blue for other projects. I still play it and have some minor gripes but it's fun with friends for sure.
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