[Apr 13, 2012] PowerUp 2012 - EVO 2012 Tournament Season (Cincinnati, Ohio)

I'm pretty excited for this, i am guessing you have a lot of last minute people who reg at the door?
I'm pretty excited for this, i am guessing you have a lot of last minute people who reg at the door?

One week away till Power Up is here. I'm ecstatic about that as well Akazukin.

In terms of registrants for Power Up, I'm thinking we're gonna have a pretty good chunk of people register at the door. I guess peeps don't like to mess with online registration or going through Pay Pal for one reason or another. Haha. As Osirun posted in one of his previous posts, you can call Arcade Legacy up & register by doing that. It's pretty quick & easy to do so in case you don't wanna go online & register there.
@Akazukin and Sluch: Yep. We'll probably get quite a few registrants at the door this year.

And on that note . . .

Only 2 days left to pre-register online for PowerUp 2012!

Pre-registration ends at 12:00am, April 9th.

If you choose to wait and register in-person, please understand the following:

Emergency In-Person Registration runs from 9am, Friday, April 13th until 9:30am, Saturday, April 14th. Check the PU2012 schedule for more information.

Emergency In-Person Registration will cost $40 Venue Fee, and you will not be seeded by region or by skill in any games that you choose to enter. Absolutely no exceptions.

Register now!

Remember that you can also register by calling Arcade Legacy: 513-874-8766
Osirun, I am bringing 11 people with me. However, most of them (myself included) because it wasn't painfully clear in the sign up process, put the towns we live in around Buffalo instead of 'Buffalo'. We'd like very much not to drive all that way and face each other within 1-2 matches, can I pm you my crew's names and make sure you regionally seed all of us as 'Buffalo'?

@AkazukinChaCha: I have no problem doing that for you guys, but please send correspondence to osirun@powerupfighters.com

That is a much faster and more reliable way to contact me. Please note that if all 11 of you enter the same game (as an example) that based on the number of pools there will have to be some overlap. However we will try our very best to make sure that players from the same state/city do not play each other first round when we construct the pool brackets.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Just send me an email and I'll make sure it is taken care of.
Pre-Registration has closed, but you can still utilize Emergency Registration in-person from 9am, Friday, April 13th until 9:30am, Saturday, April 14th.

Safe travels to all, and see you at the event!
I was going to buy a couple of spectator passes for some friends, and I missed my shot. :<

How much do spectator passes cost at the door?
Is Cincinnati getting a Wisconsin invasion? Lol.

I'll be housing Tick at my place for Power Up on Friday & Saturday. I'll also be housing FightingGM & perhaps Sanford Kelly as well, so one more shouldn't be too cumbersome.

If you can make it Bill, let me know. I can be able to house ya as well if you don't mind sleeping on the floor (sleeping bag & pillow would be optimal in this instance). Lol.

If not my place, I know Xiang will be in town for Power Up as well, so if my place is not an option, try hitting him up perhaps.
If you want to make last minute plans to show up, please do! We've got tons of space in the venue for players and spectators. Just because pre-reg is over doesn't mean you still can't get in on some tournaments with in-person registration. And of course good times will be had by all : )
Wen is everyone planning on being here. Will anyone be able to house? I'm thinking about coming to this but it look like the turnout won't be that great.
i plan on being there friday night, wouldn't mind casuals at all if anyone will be looking for some.
i'll be strolling in tonight as well. Very good shit on scheduling. i like the e-mail that told me the times I'll be playing.
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