Are all low attacks horizontal?

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[10] Knight
Or is 2B vertical? How about 2K? Which low attacks can/can't be stepped and what is the ratio to those that can be stepped?
And why do people ask dumb questions like "are all low attacks horizontal"? In a matter of fact Im not wasting anymore time on you. So please don't reply back.

Oh and I was only trying to answer a simple question. Not that Im purposely necroing as you're assuming. I only tried to answer his question in sincerity. If I offended you. My bad bro.
yes i'm sure someone who hasn't been to this site in 399 days is itching for an answer
Ok I'll delete the post. Is that fine bro? Im just trying to help after all and Im still new to this website so Im not to familiar with the *rules*.......
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