[Arizona] AZ and friends!

That'd be cool. I'd be fine with doing it at my place too, but yeah, depending on where we all are it may be inconvenient.
heya, Im an AZ fighter =) just was looking around the site and found this thread thought ide post an "I exist message". I own the game on 360 (gamertag: Hefill) so just hit me up sometime, im always up for a match or whatever local online or otherwise.
Yo guys- I just got back from FSAK, which was amazing.

Now I can focus on getting something set up here. We can use my place if we want, however, it may be out of peoples' way.

If we do this soon, I'll probably just wait till this weekend or next week to actually get it together though. FSAK left me behind on school work.
if its in arizona its not that out of the way for me lol, Just tell me when and ill try to make it.
Yay! I thought I was pretty much alone as an AZ player!

Wish I could play online (will be trying to get Xbox live, but don't have it currently). Would love to play offline, I've only ever played against a friend that moved to the central US and my family, I would love to finally play against other SC players.

If there are any AZ tournaments coming up, hit me up! So long as they are fairly cheap, I should be able to make it.
Devastation is one of the biggest tourneys in the US for SC, and it's in AZ every year. This year, it's october 7-9 at the Phoenix convention center. If anything, make SURE you make that one, some of the best SC players will be there.

Where in AZ are you? I live in Tempe, nearby ASU. My parents live up in North Scottsdale, too. So when I'm in the area visiting them, I'm generally open too.

As far as an offline scene, AZ has really died down. I'm open to playing if you want to set up a time that works for the both of us. Once again, I'll offer my place, but I won't have my PS3 for a couple weeks, and I don't have an Xbox copy of SCIV.
Devastation is one of the biggest tourneys in the US for SC, and it's in AZ every year. This year, it's october 7-9 at the Phoenix convention center. If anything, make SURE you make that one, some of the best SC players will be there.

Where in AZ are you? I live in Tempe, nearby ASU. My parents live up in North Scottsdale, too. So when I'm in the area visiting them, I'm generally open too.

As far as an offline scene, AZ has really died down. I'm open to playing if you want to set up a time that works for the both of us. Once again, I'll offer my place, but I won't have my PS3 for a couple weeks, and I don't have an Xbox copy of SCIV.

I live in Gilbert and have an Xbox copy. It's awesome to hear other AZ players are about. I didn't really know, though I'm not really in touch with the rest of the SC community though.

I definitely wouldn't consider myself one of the best... Maybe above average, but that's a pretty baseless assumption since I've never played against anybody else outside my family/friends (none of which are competitive). Haha, though I'll have to try and make it. How much is Devastation going to cost?

And I'm 17 and don't own a car, so my travelling situation is pretty limited.
Oh wow... activity.

Here's the DEVASTATION website: www.devastationevent.com

Right now it costs $35 to enter, which covers registration for as many tournaments as you can fit into the weekend.

I'd like to play some SC, but my 360 red-ringed and I haven't touched the game since DEV last year (and didn't touch it for about 8 months before that). I also live in northwest Phoenix and don't really have the drive to travel very far for SC at the moment. I've been playing MK mainly at the moment, waiting for SC5 and maybe Tekken Tag 2.
$35? That's not too bad at all. Thanks for the info.

I didn't play SC for about a year-a year and a half because my Xbox red ringed too. I just got a replacement and started playing again a few months ago.
Whooo back into this thread.

As I said, welcome to use my place, but if you can't travel to tempe, I understand.

Got my PS3 back. I really should pick up a copy of SC for Xbox, but I've been real lazy.
Whooo back into this thread.

As I said, welcome to use my place, but if you can't travel to tempe, I understand.

Got my PS3 back. I really should pick up a copy of SC for Xbox, but I've been real lazy.

I might be able to, it'd be about a 15-20 minute drive and I'm not sure how wild my mom would be about driving me to Tempe to play video games, haha. But if I can, I can bring my Xbox copy, or we could use the PS3. Either way is fine.

Any thoughts on the new SC? Haven't seen/heard much

Well then you came to the right site. There are a few boards open for SCV, but not much info is out yet, just a few old/new characters confirmed.
If you follow Daishi (SC game director) on Twitter you can see all his updates.

It's Daishi_CALIBUR or I could just give you the direct link http://twitter.com/?q=Daishi_CALIBUR#!/Daishi_CALIBUR

There has't really been much. There is an interview with Harada that's on 8WR's homepage, but I haven't watched it yet, so I'm not sure how relevant it is.

So far, Patroklos and Pyyrah (Sophitia's children) have been confirmed as new characters as well as a disciple of Taki. This means that Sophitia, Cassandra, and Taki are most likely not going to be playable characters. Siegfried, Ivy, Nightmare, and Mitsurugi have also been confirmed, if I'm not mistaken.

Other than that, I haven't seen much. Patroklos, Pyyrah, Mitsurugi, and Siegfried have artwork/renderings released and the new ninja girl has artwork, though Ivy and Nightmare do not yet.

Oh, there's also a character silhouette (http://twitpic.com/5ltyl7) of another character that will be confirmed and supposedly have gameplay footage along with the new ninja girl at ComicCon.

I think that pretty much covers it, though I could be wrong. And sorry if I told you a bunch of stuff you already knew, haha.
Hey man, if there are any SC players in Tempe, I'm always up for some games. I live on the dorms of UAT soo....... yeah.
Hey man, if there are any SC players in Tempe, I'm always up for some games. I live on the dorms of UAT soo....... yeah.

I (normally) live like a mile away from ASU's tempe campus, so I'm pretty close by. I won't be down there for about a week or so though because I'm currently staying at my mom's in north scottsdale, she's out of town. But I'd be up for some SC any time after that.

Couldn't. Had my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday. High on oxycodone, haha. It also helps I didn't see that post. :/ But yeah dude, if something else comes up don't be afraid to mention it. Hopefully I'm in good enough position to play sometime soon. If you want to get some casuals going sometime soon feel free to PM. We'll figure out where and when.
I just got moved into my dorm at NAU's Flagstaff campus two days ago. I'm wondering, who all lives in Arizona? Just Dest?