Asia Characters Story Disappointment


[10] Knight
I'm kinda sad and disappointed that they didn't flesh out the Asia story as much. All there was in the story was pretty much
Patroklos finds the Journey to the West gang in some European city, asks them for the sacred artifacts, fights them (in a friendly way), wins, gets artifacts
All we can really concur/what we know is
Kilik has become new Edge Master
We don't know much about Xiba and Natsu's backstory, and we have no idea how Xiba got the Kali Yuga. I have heard that
Xiba is Kilik and Xianghua's son
If this is true, then that explains some things, but still leaves the story very undeveloped. I hope that the next game will take a bigger focus on these characters. Anyone else agree?
Agreed, their section in the story was definitely a letdown. I'm really hoping Namco will release an expansion with additional story modes. (even the way the Story Mode menu is designed looks like there should be multiple stories to choose from)

They need to explain what exactly happened to the original characters and how the replacements relate to them.
I'm kinda sad and disappointed that they didn't flesh out the Asia story as much. All there was in the story was pretty much
Patroklos finds the Journey to the West gang in some European city, asks them for the sacred artifacts, fights them (in a friendly way), wins, gets artifacts
All we can really concur/what we know is
Kilik has become new Edge Master
We don't know much about Xiba and Natsu's backstory, and we have no idea how Xiba got the Kali Yuga. I have heard that
Xiba is Kilik and Xianghua's son
If this is true, then that explains some things, but still leaves the story very undeveloped. I hope that the next game will take a bigger focus on these characters. Anyone else agree?
I agree, it felt rushed. I wished that they had more time to develop the story.
Agreed, their section in the story was definitely a letdown. I'm really hoping Namco will release an expansion with additional story modes. (even the way the Story Mode menu is designed looks like there should be multiple stories to choose from)

They need to explain what exactly happened to the original characters and how the replacements relate to them.

I hadn't actually considered the possibility of additional story paths via DLC, but that could certainly be a possibility... Mitsurugi story mode FTW!