[BD] are these combos already been posted?


[08] Mercenary
wr - NSS bA is unACable off 66B and 33B. so you can do these.
-66B(close range) - wr - NSS bA (easy)
-33B6 - wait 'till GS is over - wr - NSS b:A (easy from front, very hard from behind)

and when you get 33B NH,
-33B6 - wait 'till GS is over - btA+B - bt2K (hard)
-33B6(max range) - wait 'till GS is over - 44B - NSS~GS B(or GS KK for RO and [W]) (easy)

44BB mustn't be done directly. if you do, 44B will air-combo and your opponent will be able to just-tech out of it. you better delay a little.