Been lurking around forever so I decided to actually make an account.


[14] Master
I've been lurking on these forums for like 9 months so I wanted to make an account. I've played SC since SCII, didn't get to play it much cause it broke on me. Next one I got after that was SCIV along with my X-Box a few years back, and I've loved the series ever sense. Just wish I had a copy of SCII
I loved SCII, and I don't have a copy of it either anymore :'(

Anyways, Welcome! Are you hyped for SCV?
Hello Pocky-Yoshi. Glad to be here, I'm plenty hyped for SCV. Pre-ordered and all. Can't wait to see how they improved Siegfried:sc4sig1: XD
I've been lurking on these forums for like 9 months so I wanted to make an account. I've played SC since SCII, didn't get to play it much cause it broke on me. Next one I got after that was SCIV along with my X-Box a few years back, and I've loved the series ever sense. Just wish I had a copy of SCII

Hi Solo, very cool name! Welcome to 8WayRun, (finally!) I can't imagine what possibly could've made you wait so long to join our amazing community but I'm sure you have your reasons. Since you've been lurking for awhile, I'll assume that you know your way around here pretty well so I won't get into all of that. I will, however, tell you that if you have any questions what-so-ever that you do not have to be shy to ask. Just send myself, or one of the other forums mods, a private message and we'll be happy to help you in any way we can.

I would like to know though, how do you primarily play? Do you play with friends at your house or something? Perhaps you play online? Maybe you're, as your screen name applies, a solo player? Either way, we have sections dedicated just for you! If you need help finding these just ask!

Anyways, I am real glad you finally decided to click that register button. We can never have enough registered users and imho, this is the best community in the fighting game scene. I know, I'm a part of all of them. :P Welcome again!
I always play offine, online lag always messes up my timing so I don't play online. Just usually at friends houses. Thanks for the welcome :D
Solo, it's gonna be cool to see you on the boards, bro.
Man, I tell you... back when they had --> live and kicking, I wanted to find the nerve to register too. Funny thing is I was going to register under the name "Solo" since back then. :D
Someone else probably already had it over there, but I'm glad you donned the name here, man.
Welcome to the forum...
Solo, it's gonna be cool to see you on the boards, bro.
Man, I tell you... back when they had --> live and kicking, I wanted to find the nerve to register too. Funny thing is I was going to register under the name "Solo" since back then. :D
Someone else probably already had it over there, but I'm glad you donned the name here, man.
Welcome to the forum...
Thanks :D. It's always been a little nickname on other things I do, it eventually became a trademark lol. Even matchs Sieg's personality.