Best Amy?


[08] Mercenary
I'm new to SC4 and don't really know much about the game. Amy seems like an interesting, good, and not too difficult to pick up character, so I've decided to give her a spin. Who are some good Amy players I can watch? Maybe best in US? Japan? Korea? I don't even really know where SC is played the most. Thanks! (links to match vids would be helpful)
Well I dont know many Amy's but of the videos i've seen ThugishPond is a pretty nasty Amy look him up on YouTube and ill try to find you some videos
ShinjiUrahara Myself

But that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Oh yeah and STD is probably better than us all if he still has his swag but he chickened out a long time ago and we all prolly surpassed him by now.
Same as always there is no BEST because there is always someone better that uses her, Just because they mastered her doesn't mean they're the best. Honestly if AMY is in SCv they need to make her move list a little tougher she's too easy to use.
I'm Training with Ivy right now.
We don't exactly know because most of the best players in the world only go to offline tournaments.