Break Attack Links

Natsu's B[K] can be ducked. If you get hit by that, you deserve to be combo'd.
alot of these are avoidable. the trick is to train your opponent into getting hit anyways.

on another note, this vid got posted on the front page of eventhubs ^_^ so thrilled. wish i had better recording equipment though...=/ will try to get some soon for future videos

also, did anyone else see how linkrkc was abusing 1bBE into free ivy lick? so glad to see this tech put to use. (though i doubt he found it out through me haha)
This was in SC4, and I think there was already a topic about this on this board?

Buffed SXS B gave Xianghua a free 3B and 66B+K followup on block, which was pretty solid damage.

This also works off of 2B+K and 66BbB for Leixia, with the AA. I wouldn't really advise spending meter afterwards like you do in the video unless you're really close to a Guard Burst or something and have meter to blow. The frame data we have suggests she can land more things but in practice I can't get it to work. Admittedly I didn't try too hard.