Buffered Dash into iCT


[14] Master

right now im uploading a video on youtube, im gonna add the link later when its done. The Video is pure crap, just like all my vids. I warn you :P

What you can see is a quick buffered dash into iCT. It just workes after some Moves, i think the best are b2, 6A, 3K, 66K. Moves that give you slide advantage...as you know when you hit b2 from max or midrange, a normal iCT does not connect rangewise. If you spam 6 at the end of the animation and hit the right timing, Cervy is going to do a really fast dash, during that dash you can buffer the iCT. Its not easy, requires some practice...but worth to look at. It closes distance just very quickly...

Maybe you wont recognize too much during the vid, but when you go into training you'll see it just works with buffered dashing...i dont think ive ever seen somebody using that technique...so just give it a try. You really have to concentrate to see the duck, sometimes you dont see it at all...you can mix it up with iTP if they wanna interrrupt you with 2A or something, if they are just patient and wait you have all options....

Im not quite sure whether ist usable in play, i didnt have the time to test it, just found this after my france trip....

Kind regards, doc.
Double Post....

Here you go:
well, all those moves are useful, so the question is if its possible to hitconfirm to use this technique.
ya i think it's hit conformable cause when i use these moves like 22K you kinda have to casue if you attack off a blocked 22K you just attacked out of -10 and your gonna get fucked :)
Belial if you dont hit you're not going to dash in and just Cancel with G. Really not a problem.

Bigger problem is the execution, you really have to be perfect on your iCT first, then you can try this, cause the time window for the iCT during the buffered dash is pretty tough
Hey, since my brother is playing Cervantes as his third character I'd like to share some experiences.
After a dash of Cerv, be it short or not I usually expect a mid (like e.g. 66 (dash ani) 3B, that is 33B) or something.
Thus Id fall quite often for the throw since the mixup is pretty good. Now the thing is, that Cervantes' A throw is pretty much shit (imo) except on the edge. I'm mashing B almost all the time. I also think the dash leaves you quite vulnerable to fast 2As and stuff. I'm not that much into Cervantes regard my comment as one given by an adversary to your Cerv. Therefore I'm not sure how many +frames you get on hit by any of those moves mentioned above. I think its especially dangerous against Kilik with techcrouch 2A and I'm not sure if a skilled Algol could interrupt with 11A for massive damage. Not to mention Kiliks Asura which would catch the mixup mids and jumps out of the throw.
I know those are the rather worst cases, just wanted to mention and throwing in some stuff to discuss :)