CAS I have made...


[13] Hero

Please take a look... lots of different stuff.

----------------------------New Update 7-15-12 --------------------------------------
We spent a wild weekend making x men ....17 all new recreations.


please use this link
SOULCALIBUR Ⅴ_56_editedfinal-1_edited-1.jpg

The different categories are listed on the right hand side under pages.
like Conan, more lifelike than mine (cuz i did an undead version ;o), and your green beastie is classy as hell (impressive work on the colors)...check mine in my thread and comment if you'd like...
Oh wow, those characters are really well done. You also have the best looking Spider-Man I have seen yet.
How did you make that skull head? I have the top part, but how did you get the jaw part?

Here is a pic without the skull so you can see it more clearly.
...and when you put the cap on ... it isn't too obvious...especially in play.
Hope this helps :)
I can't help but notice your Doctor Strange, he doesn't have a Heihachi mustache, he has a thin pencil stache. Otherwise he's pretty good.

Well, im trying to recreate that skull jaw, using the dragon mask doesnt give me them 2 horns that you have on yours, im guessing thats some extra equipment, but that is hair your using to connect to connect the mask with the skull, what hair style is that, im level 53 so I thought I had everything unlocked.
I used all my objects on the head.
The hair is a squished ball with a pattern on it-
location head, horizontal 1, Vertical -35, Back -11, Width 16, Length -34, Depth 10, rotate v+ h is 0, angle 0
Long horns-location head, Horizontal 0, vertical 5, Back 0, Width 17,Length 24, Depth 23, Rotate v 0, Rotate H
-46, Angle 1 (they have ethnic 12 pattern on them)
Long horns #2 (the teeth)- location head, Horizontal 0, Vertical -19, Back 6, Width -50, Length -50, depth -50, Rotate Vertically 69, Rotate H -5 , Angle -87 ....I hope that's all correct... I have been known to make some mistakes when typing :).
I will give it a try, thanks for sharing how you did it, its the best helm I have seen yet. Still not sure how you got just the bottom part of the dragon mask to have the texture but not the top half.
The dragon mask has a pattern on it, but also a black tattoo... to obscure the top half. :)
I tried using the same ethnic pattern on the mask at the skull, but it doesnt look right. Im not going to keep bugging you, but you did great work on that, I still cant figure out how you colored the bottom half of the mask, to be the very same color as the skull, even where it meets with the back, even with the same pattern. Im messing with a few of the tats, but its not as good as yours looks.
Here are a few specifics that might help...
on the sphere I used pattern basic15- 1:9,2 1/9 + 5:8,18 5/9 + 1:9, 10 1/9
on the jaw I used basic 14- 9:10,8 9/9 + 0:0,0 0/9 + 0:0,0 0/9
on the skull helm I used basic15- 4:12,6 4/9+7:8,6 7/9 + 5:8,2 5/9 also ..... it might look better to you from my pic here than it actually is. When I pull the character up in the game, it isn't an exact match. I'm pretty happy with the blend especially in play....but it is not perfect.In fact I bet someone could find a better mix... with this one I stopped at seems about right. :)