Cassandras Tech Traps


Team Ceddy Bear! ♥
What are they?I know one of them is 66B+G & then 88K,it'll cause your opponent to crouch,which can lead to me doing a down grab.
What are her other tech traps?
This isn't really a "tech trap", but a good mention nonetheless, I guess. I tend to use :1::A: against someone when they fall, so they might fall for it the first time, but usually the second time, they will get up and guard low, so you can get an easy low throw in.
Can't think of any guaranteed tech traps off the top of my head right now. 3B will launch after A+B if the opponent techs front or back (i think left and right will whiff). for lols, A+B will hit and restun after A+B if the opponent techs in some direction, don't know which. Neither of these are guaranteed and are consistent enough to choose against taking the free damage.
Another one is after 236 on CH, 2BB:K seems to hit them if they tech any way but right (the second B hits then the K for 52)
About time this thread got some replies. :P
Keep em coming!

PS:Ty all for the information,REALLY appreciate it.
I found an interesting pair of tech traps while I was messing around during frame data testing. It works for the following moves:

After CH 22A
After CH 88A
After CH 22_88AA

Tech Trap Option 1:
Will pickup if they tech in ALL directions. They can avoid the pickup if they stay grounded or roll in any direction.

Tech Trap Option 2:
Will hit if they tech in all directions EXCEPT to their right. It will hit if they stay grounded or roll in any direction.
*If they get knocked down face downwards instead of face upwards, the 3B becomes GUARANTEED!

4BB:A is the more damaging choice between the two. So, ideally, that is the one you want. However, you can use 3B to train them to get off the ground first. Once they learn that it can be tech'ed to their right (assuming they learn...), that sets you up for 4BB:A pickups. This is good stuff.
I found an interesting pair of tech traps while I was messing around during frame data testing. It works for the following moves:

After CH 22A
After CH 88A
After CH 22_88AA

Just do 1A. Guranteed except for tech to one side. In which case, you can tap forward and 2A_B+G to get a crouch throw tech trap that catches ALL tech. After eating that, they're probably not going to tech that way any more. Lol.
Just do 1A. Guranteed except for tech to one side. In which case, you can tap forward and 2A_B+G to get a crouch throw tech trap that catches ALL tech. After eating that, they're probably not going to tech that way any more. Lol.

wait, what? care to elaborate? crouch through tech trap from 2A or 2B+G (or is that just B+G)?
As in do one of the crouch throws. Lol.

Both will catch tech.

The input would look something like this:

CH22AA 65 2B+G
Just do 1A. Guranteed except for tech to one side. In which case, you can tap forward and 2A_B+G to get a crouch throw tech trap that catches ALL tech. After eating that, they're probably not going to tech that way any more. Lol.

I just tested, if you do 1A then it catches all tech except to their left. It will hit all rollers as well. This will do more damage then the 3B option, but still less than 4BB:A if they do tech instead of trying to roll or stay grounded.

This is a pretty good trio of tech traps. Additional options are always good, especially when one covers the weakness of the other. Any overlap is just icing on the cake.
I just tested, if you do 1A then it catches all tech except to their left. It will hit all rollers as well. This will do more damage then the 3B option, but still less than 4BB:A if they do tech instead of trying to roll or stay grounded.

This is a pretty good trio of tech traps. Additional options are always good, especially when one covers the weakness of the other. Any overlap is just icing on the cake.

One other addendum. It should be noted that the 1A is slow enough to be 2G'ed. So that is one other "out" they have. 3B at least is nigh-guaranteed ground damage unless they tech it correctly.
I never understood how 88K makes people croutch, but everyone talks about it. Could anyone explain this to me?

It's not crouching per ce. 88K forces them into a situation, to where if they tech, they tech into a crouch-like position while rising. You can grab them out of this. It's similar to the 6K 2A_B+G tech trap.
It's not crouching per ce. 88K forces them into a situation, to where if they tech, they tech into a crouch-like position while rising. You can grab them out of this. It's similar to the 6K 2A_B+G tech trap.

oh for some reason I was thinking they were still standing so that makes more sense.