Casual Players


[05] Battler
I have alot of moments where I go into ranked mode and meet up with a really casual player. Now it would seem that as an experience player I would be able to beat this casual player. So the fight begins and the casual player starts throwin' moves that no experienced player would do, BUT this makes it so he is so unpredictable that I expect him to do something and I try to predict it but he didn't do it and I get punished, over and over again til I lose. This is really frustrating for me since I'm easily tilted when it comes to Soul Calibur and in my rage I decided to write this. lol

Casual players for me are actually very important since they are the majority of the community and its basically they that get games popular.

Share your thoughts about casual players, I'm interested in what other peoples thoughts are :p
depends on what the casual player is doing...if their gameplan is just pressing button, find what the dominant button in...find the general range those buttons work at and see if you can pick out general gaps...if you can post a video or something we may be able to assess the best possible action and help develop a game plan to overcome your slight
It's not a major problem but I'll see if I can get some video going lol. My biggest concern right now is mix-ups and spacing :p
It's not a major problem but I'll see if I can get some video going lol. My biggest concern right now is mix-ups and spacing :p
My spacing problem might relate to me getting crushed by casuals, as my bad positioning is probably a big factor of why I'm getting punished so hard.
that's more to do with knowing the MU's...but yh get a couple of videos up and we'll see what advice we can give to help out
I don't have videos yet, but I've noticed something. Recently I've been learning Maxi, and have really high win rate when I go against casuals, but low win rate when going against better players. It's the opposite with Yoshi though. Any thoughts on why? ty for support btw
A lot of fighting Maxi depends on knowing the Matchup. His stances tend to require very specific answers, so it's easy to get fucked up when you don't know said answers.
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So their lack of knowledge is leading them to defeat I guess. ty
So now I've been playing for a while and I've noticed that I'm not losing against casuals, but I still got some footage of me throwing some rounds because of the reasons I first explained but other than that I've just been winning. I did notice and improvment in my gameplay after I went into training and really got that iMCF and a:B+K in muscle memory and then I've basically been using iFC3K alot since they always get techtrapped by it. But as I said I've got some footage and will be uploading it once I've made some really bad recordings of my monitor lol. And once again thanks for helping.
What link says is right, you save videos stored in your battle log in the replay section, highlight the video and press start...then go to your saved battles and press start will then get a playback of the match, once it's finished processing it will be exported to the videos section in the PS3 home menu.
If you have a memory stick you can transfer the videos over to your PC laptop and then upload

Also FYI I'm in Greece this I won't be able to review. But link is more than capable
Didn't know they could be exported to video section, ty that is really helpful. Now I don't have to look like some 12yo trying to record his minecraft letsplay with cringey commentary in the backround. (Don't worry I'm not putting commentary over this lol)
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There's no rush, get them up when you can and Link or another member can assess your gameplay...if not I'll do it as soon I'm back from Greece.
If you want I'll load up my ps4 and we can go through some 1 to 1 training
The recordings from PS3 are in shit quality, but hey, it's something. But I'd say even pointing a good video camera or phone at an HDTV would look better XD
Recordings are in 360p which isn't too bad...but it's better than shaky cam and trying to adjust shit on a tripod which people will probably not own
other thing you can consider is: You're Not playing against real casuals, but pros with like 6 or seven different accounts who have experimented different ways of playing with acharacter. (They show up a lot in global colosseo)
other thing you can consider is: You're Not playing against real casuals, but pros with like 6 or seven different accounts who have experimented different ways of playing with acharacter. (They show up a lot in global colosseo)
In colloseo? Not likely
I learned this from a guy called ArkantosdeAcuario. He warned me about a dude named live100x, that has several different accounts and names and always has an absurdly short number of hours played for the skill he has (mere 20 something hours of play and collects 20 to 30 wins in a row against A1 opponents with more than a thousand won fights? it's obvious something fishy is going on) he questioned the guy and weeks later he had other account according to him.
I learned this from a guy called ArkantosdeAcuario. He warned me about a dude named live100x, that has several different accounts and names and always has an absurdly short number of hours played for the skill he has (mere 20 something hours of play and collects 20 to 30 wins in a row against A1 opponents with more than a thousand won fights? it's obvious something fishy is going on) he questioned the guy and weeks later he had other account according to him.

damn he beats A1s? wow he must be really really good