Chicago IL - Screenz SC4 Tournament results (10-25-08)


[09] Warrior
1) Thuggish Pond (Amy, X)
2) Human Typhoon (Sophoie)
3) Syxx (Amy)
4) Ishmael (Talim, Yoshi)

Thanks to Screenz for holding an SC4 tournament. Sucks it was on xbawks though. :(

Algol was not allowed in the tournament.

Shoutouts, thanks again Screenz employees for running the tournament, and Dark Kakashi for handling the bracket!!!

Ishmael, good stuff with Talim and Yoshi, we'll play again some time.

Malcolm, Good stuff. I am not mad at u guys, just shitty ass xbox controllers, I couldn't adapt in time.

Damien, you suck. Good match.
don't worry if i know about the next one i'll post it on this site