Contest! Horray!


[08] Mercenary
I am currently making a Nighty Noob Guide for all dear noobs ppls who can't use the awesome destructive powah of Nighty. I am only having one problem (which is not informational). This problem is actually DRAWING NIGHTMARE!!! Cuzz Nightmare is a pain in the... mouth to draw.
So here comes the REQUIREMENTS!!!!!!!

Must be on the same format as a 8x11 1/2 sheet (seriously I don't know how much that is in pixel)
Can be color on Nightmare, not on the background
Keep the background white. Or make something really simple
I don't want a Official Nightmare's art.
On top of the page there must be Akijo's Noob guide for
You can sign you name. I don't want to take credit for your art.
Contest will take end in a month... I guess
Ask if you need more information
The prize is the seft-satisfaction of knowing to have helped someone who's trying to help others (simplier way to say I have no prize available)