Crash X and Dr. Cheesesteak are delusional...

Another trait of trolls is being repetitive.
"Look, i can just copy and paste the same bullshit and death threats to make fools online type walls of text + gifs.
Over and over."
Very clever.
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Another trait of trolls is being repetitive.
Look, i can just copy and paste the same bullshit and death threats to make fools online type walls of text + gifs.
Over and over.
Stop pretending to care. Everyone knows you don't. No one does. Why would they?

If we all just did what was sensible and ignored the obvious troll what would happen? Nothing. Not a thing. Every now and then it comes back with more of this. Nothing. I would've ignored it. But someone else came along who apparently didn't know what it was like. I felt it wrong not to let it be seen for what it is.

If caring makes me a fool then I guess I'm a fucking fool. Arsehole. You think I'm being dragged along? By what it's an internet forum. How fucking detached from reality can everyone be? I've been fucking dragged along but obviously no one can understand what that would actually mean to them so long as they hide like cowards from the truth of it. No one cares to.

Fuck it then. Have it your way. I'm done.
Another trait of trolls is being repetitive.
"Look, i can just copy and paste the same bullshit and death threats to make fools online type walls of text + gifs.
Over and over."
Very clever.

You motherfuckers Who keep calling me that T Word, should be exiled in Ukraine, and I Hope you get bombed
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Stop calling it 'amigo'. An 'amigo' is someone who looks out for your interests. A friend or a co-worker. Or a Dachshund with trolley wheels and a toolkit who finds you nice things and pisses off your enemies for good measure. It is none of those things.
I know. I was using the term loosely.
Imagine a troll trying to intimidate someone by pointing a gun or knife at their phone or computer.
You motherfuckers Who keep calling me that T Word, should be exiled in Ukraine, and I Hope you get bombed
Case closed, son. You’re still a troll.
Case closed, son. You’re still a troll.

Case closed my ass, this isn't over, this Is Just the beginning. I'd even be willing of drugging you to the court, Everything to making you stop calling me that T Word...