Crash X
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  • I don't know how I move your quote to a proper thread, so I'll ignore your reply
    I don't know exactly what day it was but I decided to reinstall the game and I went to play. I did a celebration fancam for the 3 years of SC 6 and.. there's not much I can say / About me being here today, I asked for a user here who follows me to post something interesting that I saw, but apparently he didn't. So I came in person, which sucks because I had to reactivate my 8wayrun account.
    Sorry for the various messages and the delay, but I wanted to be thorough, in addition to trying to explain more or less EVERYTHING. This is not a ~LisaK comeback~, I didn't even want to come to ~announce my departure~, think of it as provision of services to the community. I really don't want to read about "Season 3 wishlist" from anyone..
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Well okay, I guess that explains everything.
    Just waiting to see what they’ll butcher with Voldo in the balance patch this time...
    I guess the best way to sum up my opinion of Rise of Skywalker is that it was a dull, mediocre end to an already dull, mediocre trilogy. Oh well...glad I never got my hopes up over it. Learned that all too well from The Last Jedi.
    It feels weird looking back at my older posts. Honestly goes to show how a person can change on a forum after three years of shitposting.
    Tfw you turn 21 and realize you’re a step closer to being buried underground in a cemetery...
    Happy birthday, Crash. And don't sweat the time, you've got a LOT of enjoyable steps ahead of you. (Take it from me.) Cheers!
    I gotta say, Endgame was hype.
    I have to admit that I'm not a big Marvel fan, but I actually did like Infinity War and I'm looking forward to seeing Endgame.
    Crash X
    Crash X
    I hope you’ve stayed away from spoilers lol.
    Well, like I said not the most devoted fan. Therefore I'm good and may watch it tomorrow lol.
    Should I be surprised if Captain Marvel ends up becoming a flop at the box office? After all, the want to see rating drops little by little each day.
    I'm more excited about Shazam! Ready to scream sterically when I see Zachary Levi :*
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Indeed. DC might actually have a chance to make a comeback with Shazam. Granted, I hope Disney doesn’t end up throwing the MCU into disarray with CM like how they did with Star Wars and all their nonsense in that franchise.

    But that’s just me. :/
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