Custom Amys


[08] Mercenary
Hoping to see some cool and creative custom Amy's, even some cool color edits if you think they look good.

to clarify, by custom Amy I mean a custom alternate costume for Amy, not a CaS with her move set.

Unfortunately I do not have any equipment to get screens of my PS3, Im going to try using a camera later tonight or tomorrow unless anyone has any better ideas.
I posted 2 in my CAS topic.


I also have one that I made for Christmas, but it's pretty much just a color edit of her normal costume and some different footwear.
I was going to post these in my thread, but fuck it. This is the Amy I just made.

Thanks. I'm going to try and make one more Amy later on. The two that I made are hot, but not loli hot. I'll let you know what I come up with.
She's pretty easy to make unless you want to use the same exact colors that I am using. I was hoping to make a Scottish Amy but that didn't work out too well when I was trying to find the right colors to use, so I guess she now looks somewhat like a Nazi. I'll post my formula tomorrow and a color swap that I just got an idea for.