Do you have the Playstation Informative on PSN?


[09] Warrior
I'm just curious if I'm the only guy on 8way with ZeRiMaRd on my friends list. He calls himself the Playstation Informative, and sends you all sorts of messages on new games, old games, etc (with pictures :]). He is currently counting down the top ten games of 2008 with number one being revealed tomorrow. I know he has one hundred friends, and he said he added me along time ago because one stopped coming online (lucky me). So am I the only member of 8way lucky enough to have mah Playstation Informative?
Do you have the Playstation Informative on PSN

Huh, is that so? That'd be nice to have an informant, I wish I could be part of his list as well. Well, if a spot opens up, be sure to drop me a line!