Don't take this as troll bait please...


[10] Knight
But have any of you guys seen some familiar names that have stuck out as far as performance online? I would really like to play them if their connection is good. I know the game is fairly new but I'm pretty sure you guys have prolly met a player that has grabbed your attention, and if you have, point them my way please: PSN: Tha_Shogun

As of now (2-7-12) I am looking for some really amazing Viola players.

Well get at me. Also mods if there is a thread already of people look8ing for members direct me please.

And for others who would like to know, some people who I have got a chance to play who has really shown me some nice games have been...

badass(with some numbers at the end, I forget which I'll update when I get the chance) - An amazing Ralph
Sephalump - an amazing Cervy
uberdave....something or other 1337 (I promise to update these when I get the chance) - has a unique style of maxi
filthie_rich - for obvious reasons - Natsu player

That's what i've found so far, now point me towards some others please and let's get a session going!
You should properly introduce yourself. Are you from the Americas or Europe? I know a ton of good European players... Viola players in particular.