Error loading SC5


[10] Knight
I had a thread earlier about this and I believe I put it in the wrong section, so here goes.

I've been playing SC5 for awhile now, but this problem just happened a couple of days ago. The game (After I press the CD icon to play SC5) Sometimes decides not to load and instead is stuck on a black screen.

On the chance that it DOES load, everything runs smooth until I get to online. When I leave a player lobby or GC, It will 100% black screen and become stuck. I can still hear music.

My ps3 is old- the 37GB one I believe. Is it the disc or the PS3?

Or is it just an invisible panda ninja on fire trying to get my revenge on me for feeding its baby at the zoo?

Other games do run fine and with no problems?
It could be several things, it is hard to tell. You could easier identify your problem if you try to play the game on another PS3 if you can, just to narrow it down. I would first try delete the gamedata and reinstall it (if you have installed it), run the game with no saves (like from another account). If that doesn't give you any results you can try to reinstall your PS3s firmware (you won't lose any data).
The last thing I would do if nothing else helps is to clean the PS3s lens, but if your other games do run fine... then it is probably a bad disc you got. Is it in good shape? No scratches?
Pretty good disc, no scratches whatsoever. yeah, I'll try running different games today- See if its just the dick or the PS3 itsself.
Well that's unfortunate, you could still try to clean the lens with rubbing alcohol and a q-tip. It would require you to open the PS3 up but its worth a try since it doesn't cost much.
PS: lol @ mispelled disc xD; sorry couldn't resist ;).