Escape Stun Combos


[08] Mercenary
Can anyone tell me how to get out of stun combos? They are used often against me, and whenever I use them against high level players, they always have ways to break out of it and guard the rest of it.

For example, Cervantes' A+B, 2A+B, WR A stun combo is so hard to get out of, but some people do. So if anyone could tell me specifically how to get out of the stun and guard the rest of it, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
any five directional inputs will shake. Hit whatever you can do fastest (ie. 66666, or 41236 or 22222, ect.)

cha cha
note, some stun combo's cannot be escaped unless you shake the first stun. If not your screwed and will eat a third of your life bar. ^_^
any five directional inputs will shake. Hit whatever you can do fastest (ie. 66666, or 41236 or 22222, ect.)

cha cha

Is it still 5? It feels like it takes a lot more inputs now. I need to find a new way to shake stuns, I'm used to doing a circular motion while holding guard, but you can now enter Cervy's stance while holding guard, which just gets me hit anyway haha.
63214 is best for me... I just do a HCB and hold guard... easy enough to react to lows afterward, too... if only the 360 controller didn't love the diagonals so much that you end up hopping... -_-
63236...dragon puch....quick escape. also, when you se a combo coming that you know is breakable just start mashing..DP, DP, DP, DP...
I heard somewhere that diagonals don't count, so I've been doing 46464. A half circle would be much easier though. And I can't test this out, so just doing a half circle will work?
I Also heard that diagonals do not work more recently any confirmation on that ?
If they do not work what is the best way to shake em stuns on a classic 360 controller ? do Button presses count as input?
No telling.

One option is to mash 4(6) on the D-Pad if you don't mind switching your thumb placement quickly. For quickness, nothing beats it on 360 controller, little trouble reacting to lows though.
I would honestly suggest getting into the habit of shaking the analog stick/joystick/or mashing on pad directions like a madman for about half a second the moment you see yourself get stunned; regardless of whether it's breakable or not. Once you see yourself get hit and those golden lightning lines surround you just do it. Not only will it give you a chance to break the stun but it'll also train you to immediately recognize the state so that you'll be fast enough to break it (this was my problem when I first started playing SC). This however, is just advice if you're not used to breaking and recognizing stuns and whether or not they can be broken.

Most people have their own methods as stated above. Half circle back motions, super fireball motions etc. work just as well once you're used to it. Just figure out what works for you.

Oh one more thing, make sure to hold the guard button as you shake...last thing you wanna do is break a stun and still get hit.
careful not to jump if you happen to use 7_8_9 to shake. although, accidently jumping after breaking a stun has helped in certain situations, it mostly gets you hit.
Also one thing you can do, which I just started trying to practice and tring to use lately...
Right after you Break the stun you can go directly into a Impact/Perry Move, as you know usually what they are going to do, works well with Cerv and Zas.. Only got it couple of times in real combat, but its really a nice wtf when you nail it...
