Final Fantasy: Dissidia

Yeah, Cloud is pretty easy to handle. I think since he's a fan favorite, they made the skill level required to use him, well..not that high. He's got some unsafe moves though (this is to compensate for the amount of damage he can dish out). Sephiroth follows the same rule I believe (just replace power with dodge his attacks and he's practically screwed).

As far as being "broken" is concerned, I think the only one that can fit that category clearly would be Onion Knight. He's just ridiculous. He CAN be beat, but wow...such a pain in the ass >.<

I heard Tina/Terra was broken as well, but I haven't played with her yet to even find out for myself, so that could just be some noobs talking.

hey! lol xD well yeah i cant lie he is pretty good. Close and far range is deadly and his speed is godly comparing to the other characters in the game. The game is pretty fun tho if you know how to play and have skilled players. Battles could go on forever.
We must be the only ones playing this online around these parts :/

I was expecting the activity of this thread to increase a bit after the release of Dissidia, but it's still pretty dead :(
Pfft. I saw this over at Gamefaqs. Anybody who thinks my Cecil is a pussy is just asking to get owned :P

I don't know what the guy was smoking when he made this list, but wow..
Finally decided to continue playing through the game's story and finally got to Chaos. Wow does this guy suffer from SNK boss syndrome. He's only level 48 yet he demolishes my level 57 Zidane. His moves have ridiculous range and hit for ridiculous brave damage considering they are all multi-hit moves. His HP attacks ALSO have ridiculous range, track like crazy and he even has super armor when preforming one of them (it's an AOE that sucks you in). I feel obligated to grind levels (which I have not had to do yet) just to beat this guy.
Yeah, I heard he can be a beast. The thing that sucks even more though is the Inward Chaos route. If you think this is bad..well..this will seem like child's play later, lol.
I'd get this game if it was for a console, but just can't deal with a psp. Seems like a waste of money at this point.
That tier list lies lol, Onion is better then that I know for a fact being a onion player, the funny thing is i haven't seen anyone OK right, even in vids i've only one good onion. Lol at Vagina and Sandy tier.

Edit: Is that list upside down or im i just confusled
That tier list lies lol, Onion is better then that I know for a fact being a onion player, the funny thing is i haven't seen anyone OK right, even in vids i've only one good onion. Lol at Vagina and Sandy tier.

Edit: Is that list upside down or im i just confusled

hmm OK right? well i dont know depends on the style since im a OK player myself. you can check the vids i posted if you wanna see some OK fights.
hmm OK right? well i dont know depends on the style since im a OK player myself. you can check the vids i posted if you wanna see some OK fights.

Saw the vid, your OK is not bad, maybe a bit more of the Zelda Spin HP move for defense, (Since it has built in guard and deflects spells, and it has a small recovery window). I know that people play him in different styles, what I like to do is keep people at mid range then hit them with his thunder ball aerial O attack to push them forward or back. Then from there, depending on which way they go, I'll throw out a his fireball if grounded, or if close up, his other aerial O attack or his Zelda Spin depending on the character. He is actually a pretty good character if you can space well. My only opponent is my buddy from school who plays Butz and Cloud, while I play OK and Kuja. Pretty much just use the Zelda Spin a bit more since its a pretty good move, it even has prio over a few of the tracking HP moves. I was joking around in my first post and me and my buddy kept laffing at the tier list picture all day lol.
Saw the vid, your OK is not bad, maybe a bit more of the Zelda Spin HP move for defense, (Since it has built in guard and deflects spells, and it has a small recovery window). I know that people play him in different styles, what I like to do is keep people at mid range then hit them with his thunder ball aerial O attack to push them forward or back. Then from there, depending on which way they go, I'll throw out a his fireball if grounded, or if close up, his other aerial O attack or his Zelda Spin depending on the character. He is actually a pretty good character if you can space well. My only opponent is my buddy from school who plays Butz and Cloud, while I play OK and Kuja. Pretty much just use the Zelda Spin a bit more since its a pretty good move, it even has prio over a few of the tracking HP moves. I was joking around in my first post and me and my buddy kept laffing at the tier list picture all day lol.

haha well if you want to fight i mean we do fight online and it runs pretty smooth. Im always down fighting new ppl. I got like 10 ppl i fight at school and a bunch online here and there. So if you want to go at it let me know n_nx
Looks like a lot of fun, I can't wait for the US release next year. Is it true what Play-Asia says, that the game is region free? So I can play it on my unmodded PSP?
Well if your willing to get me kai and stuff needed i will XD, right now I'm just eq hunting tho
To my knowledge, this game isn't actually supported with XLINK KAI. I've heard multiple people claim that it just doesn't work with it, so..I guess the only way you can play online is through a PS3 after all...>.>;

On a side note, I finally beat Inward Chaos about an hour or so ago. The only ones who gave me problems really were Jecht (nice song by the way) and Chaos. Now I guess I'll mess around with the Duel Coliseum and see if I can get some of those rings I need.
I thought why not make a tier list XD

Top Tier

Onion Knight





High Tier






Mid Tier

Warrior of Light


Cloud of Darkness



Bottom Tier



The Emperor


Characters inside tiers are in no order, I want people to tell me what they think before i edit in my reasons​

EDIT: One Special Tier for two special characters.....................

Judge Gabranth