French Session Avalanche Dojo with kAB

I dedicate my "Woooooooooo" at 04:33:54 to Ramon.
To think that I promised that since SC 4.

@xyerith : Deus_Kaliya also won against kAB. That makes 3 persons.

As promised, how about kAB stays in France ? Haha.
Time to do an aftermatch :

kAb, I really appreciate your attendance at the Avalanche Dojo. You're really friendly ! I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to bring some topics to discuss, but the flows started by himself !

I hope that you liked the session and the crepes. Next time, I'll make sure that you'll make 5 as promised, thanks to my Salty Runback succeeded !

I'd like to hear your opinions about the french players you played. Some feedbacks will never hurt.

Have a safe flight back to the U.S.A, and see you next time at the Final Round or a Major in France ! (Mostly the ROF which is likely to be held in September - October 2014, or in 2015 :p )

I can't wait to meet your buddies.