

[09] Warrior
Hey guys, newbie here. Recently got back into Soul Calibur and I stumbled across this community the other day, so I figured, why the hell not?

I've been a fan since Soul Blade and was/am a huge player of SC2 and 3. Being a fencer myself, I main Raphael. I'd like to get involved in some good discussions and if I can get myself online, have a lot of matches and/or tournaments.

See ya around!

I am sure you will get well involved and I hope you have fun.
Enkindu or Senzait will greet you and then tell you where to go; they are the newbie moderators. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.
Welcome, TheMikenyan! That's awesome that you just stumbled upon This is best community around! You made a good choice in joining.

I am one of the moderators around here, the other is Senzait. If you have any questions or need help with anything, just ask one of us, we're here to serve you.

Before you head over to Raphael's Soul Arena and start digging in all the juicy information that is there, you may want to familiarize yourself with the many different acronyms, abbreviations, and notiations you'll encounter while browsing that area. One of our dedicated members has put together a post and video that will explain alot of everything you'll need to carry on and understand the dicussions going on: 8WayRun General Directory and Offline Matchfinder Reception. You can refer to this if you run into something that you don't understand. If you run into something that you don't understand, just ask myself, or Senzait. You may even be able to ask another member and they will help you too.

Once you get comfortable with all of that stuff, head on over to Raphael's Soul Arena.

There aren't any tournaments going on for Online, but you can find some going on for the offline scene. Where are you from? There might be one going on in your area. Check here to find out: Tournament Announcements

We also have a section dedicated to online play which you can find here: Online Mode (PSN/XBL). It's like a seperate community in itself so be sure to introduce yourself there as well here: XBL/PSN Playerlist Database.

So again, welcome to the forums, and I hope you enjoy yourself!
Be sure to ask for help when you need it. We're like family as I'd humbly like to say. The child won't get help from his mother unless he tells her what troubles him is a good analogy for ya.......if that makes sense lol.
Nice to see another Raphael user although I quit him after SC3 because he became centered around his forward vertical attack poke string. but that's another story.

Welcome. wondering if you have Xbox or PSN account. You could get some games in with people. the good people hopefully.
I find that I do alright with Raph if I use him the same way I would fight - I seem to do alright :P

Not yet, I'm afraid. Looking for a new place at the moment. Once I'm settled in, I'll look to getting a PS3 set up to wifi, then I'll be in business.