

[03] Disciple
Hey everyone, I'm a fairly new player to the genre. I've played a few fighting games in the past like Injustice 2, Skullgirls, and DB Fighterz. However, I never got too deep into them and avoided playing online for the most part. Fortunately, I recently played the beta test for SCVI and had so much fun playing against other peeps. Due to this, I plan on joining you all this October and giving this genre my full attention this time with SCVI. I have a lot of things I need to learn and understand, but I had blast just pressing buttons already so I think I'll enjoy the upcoming ride!

I hope I can learn and improve by playing with some of ya on PC in the near future! Thanks for stopping by and reading this.
Welcome decimo, nice to see another PC player. Looks like they'll be quite a strong cointingent of players on PC this time around. Look forward to seeing you.
A bit late, but thanks for the welcome @Ghengis_John ! Looking forward to playing with ya as well. I do hope that the PC player base starts and stays relatively healthy after VI's initial release.