how do you do directional ukemi in sc5?


[10] Knight
I had ezio doing 4B+K or pyrrha doing single hit only launcher 3B on me, and tried to press direction + G as I hit the ground, instead of doing that quick 2 hand flip to the side thing, I end up standing up right where I was, just a basic neutral ukemi instead of directional ukemi.

I tested it on cpu, setting it to ukemi back and see how it ukemi's and I can't understand the pattern. can you only do directional ukemi after you take damage during knocked down state?
You can't ukemi off of launchers at all. Hm, interesting, I didn't notice this before. This is hugely important...
It seems any attacks that trip you or knock you down can be ukemi'd. I'm not sure if this is universal, but that's what my testing's told me so far.
can you give examples of moves that trip or knock you down?
xiba 6BK for tripping?
does ezio 6B+K count as knock down?
Well, I play Aeon, so my examples are with him:
66A+B, 4b+kG or 66K for knockdown, 11/77K for tripping.

Actually, I have to amend my statement. Tripping doesn't seem to be ukemi-able. Stuns, however, are (tested with Aeon's 1A and 33/99K).

Man, this stuff is finicky...
by ukemi do you mean the directional 2-hand quick flip or neutral standing right up? I think people call both of them ukemi, but directional ukemi can only be done in certain states while neutral one can be done by just holding G. it sucks that none of the faqs I read tells me when I can directional ukemi.
Yeah, I mean the directional movement.

For launchers and tripping attacks, only neutral ukemi can be done. For knockdowns and stuns, you can do the directional ones.

Particularly important since it makes vertical attacks considerably more effective as follow-ups to launchers and tripping attacks.
alright, cool, thx for the help. I always thought any time you hit the ground counts as knockdown like 2D fighting games so I didn't know the difference.
i can't believe they only had just ukemi in for only one game. it was a lifesaver in many cases. and now the restrictions are even further when trying to do a just ukemi. i think Namco just wants these matches to go as fast as possible.
So let me get this straight, when someone is knocked to the ground they are vulnerable to this "ukemi." Right? As soon as they get up they automatically get hit by your move.? I don't know if I am getting this.