How good is good enough?


[12] Conqueror
My internet connection has got the be the worst on PSN out of all of the people who play SCV. Let me elaborate a tad.

Sometimes I can go through a whole fight with no problem, but that's the exception. Most of the time, I get maybe 1 or 2 rounds in then I lag out. Even worse that that, I lag out right after "round 1, FIGHT!" and neither me nor my opponent has had the chance for even 1 move.

I'll join a room in player matches, and people come and go, but nobody, and I mean NOBODY else lags out AT ALL. What's weird is that before it lags me out, the actual gameplay lag is decent and completely playable, which is why this pisses me off so much, if I can play with very little lag than why is the connection cutting out all the time?

I noticed that similar things happen when I watch Netflix stuff. The movie will be going along great with good picture quality an everything, and then it just SLOWS DOWN harccore, sometimes taking 5 whole minutes for the movie to start again. This speeding up and slowing down shit is fucking annoying as hell.

What I have is ClearWire, which is based off of cell phone towers. No-one can leech my bandwidth by hitching a free ride, password protected and all that.

I AM going to switch internet service providers as soon as my contract is up, my only obvious question is......

Which type of internet should I aim for if I'm trying to get good online gaming quality? I've been told that time Warner Internet is pretty solid for gaming in my area. BTW I am in the South-East region of the USA.

Please help a fellow online SC player!
DSL or Cable is best for gaming, the more wired you can get, the better honestly. Everyone I play with that uses Wifi gets those lag spikes. Some with wired get them too of course but much less frequently.
The short version is that it's a router issue for most of us, although some people are saying they can't fix it no matter what.

Check your PS3 to make sure you at least have NAT 2 type connection, then open the appropriate ports on your router control panel. Finally, turn off EVERYTHING and do a fresh cold boot up of your modem, router, and PS3.

It does take some above-average computer literacy to work your router controls, but just read very carefully one of the guides how to do it all, which I linked in in that thread or google "router port forwarding" and look at any number of other tutorials.