How tall are you?


[10] Knight
I made this thread because A: I'm kinda drunk, and B: It's good to know. I'm personally 5'7", and that's around the benchmark for being short. Anyway, post your height, so we can all know* how tall/short you are and laugh.**(*)

Vincent is 7'2".... He said so himself, so it has to be true.

HolyForce is..... 6'9" and rly skinny. His elemental weakness is wind.

NightmareKnight is 6'7"

o-DeepMonkey-0 is 6'7", and gurls love it. Girls and grrls are indifferent, though.

Wid0maker is 6'6"

Cha is 6'5"

MateoGalvan is 6'5", and is a self-proclaimed man.

Bigwayner is 6'4"

Escaping Jail is 6'4"

TheBattler is 6'4"

Hustle_Man_77 is 6'3"

Vicious Shogun is 6'2", edging on 6'3"

Flaw is 6'2"

Ramon is 6'2"

Alex J is 6'1"

Archangel is 6'1"

Discoprophet is 6'1"

Emo Prinny is 6'1"

RiBu is 6'1"

Dark Talant is 'bout 6'

Dizzynecro is 6'..... or 10', lol. It's a mystery.

Felix007 is 6'

GATOR is 6', and has a lovely pair of 6' high heels that he jumps around in.

HervE is also 6'

Iceman is 6'

The Landslide aka the Manslide aka Mother Jugs and Speed is 6'

Thugish is about six feet

451 is 5'11"

Ceirnian is 5'11"

Hot Rod Dave is 5'11".... and we're talking height here, not length.

Hudathan is 5'11"

KingAce is 5'11"

Marginal is 5'11"

Sarah is 5'11"

Mizurio-Kitsune is 5'10.25"

Botsu is 5'10"

Ic3yEsc0baR_XL is 5'10"

Loli_Drizzle is 5'10"

Lags is 5'10"

Mr Snowmiser is about 5'10"

OuTk@sT is 5'10"-ish

Upa is 5'10"

Etak5126 is 5'9"

Impending Doom is 5'9"

Mikosu is 5'9"

DSBlackfox is 5'8"

GynormousFish is 5'8"

Ryuke is 5'8"

ShenRii is 5'8"

TribaL is 5'8"

WuHT is 5'8" when he stands up straight.... unless I misunderstood him.....

GothicZM is 5'7", but gains an inch at 6-8A.M. Moar mysteries.

Soakrates is 5'7"

Franman is 5'6.5"

Krit is 5'6"

Tag the overmod is 5'6"

Dreamkiller is about 5'5"

Nemesis Kanden is 5'5"

CNP is 5'4", but appears shorter... probably due to Ootz's aforementioned powers of illusion.

Divine Chaos is 5'4"

ExMachina is 5'3", and has azn lactose intolerance.

ShinobiBrown is 5'3"....... lol

Vanity Assassin is 5'3" and her avatar makes me hungry.

Polar Panda is 5.25' tall

Becky bj is 5'1", but she isn't prepubescent.

Utsuse is 5'1", but uses her magical powers of illusion to appear taller.

Fireroses is friggin short at 5'

Neopopulous is 4'9.1250".... yes, I likes mah decimals

StrayDogStrut is a morbidly obese midget at 3'2"

shit that i am too lazy to convert:

Genver is as tall as me

ShenOu is 1.80 to 1.82 m

Papy_Danone is 1.88 m

Rigel is as tall as 7 Poland Spring bottles.
i dont see how this is important at all. does making me taller enable me to GI unblockables? ur endless druken rantings are tired. you told me you were 5'11 when you asked me to the prom. then we started to dance and your shorter than me (length wise).................