I want one too..


[10] Knight
Hello, I'm Sorry!

I bought Soul Calibur V 3 or 4 days ago, and I'm loving it! I joined 8WayRun because I want to get better, and I'd like to see what kind of people are in the Soul Calibur community.

So, here I am! I also played SCIV.

I loved Cassandra since SCII, but obviously, she's gone. :(

I like using Patroklos, Pyrrha and Pyrrha Omega now. Yeah, I love the Alexandras. xD

I'm not really sure what else to say. I hope I'm not doing anything wrong! D:

Thank you for reading! <3
Welcome to 8wayrun and its good that you have some favorites to start with. So now if you really want to improve head to the Soul Arenas and study up on their data, also if you need practicing dont hesitate to ask anyone for help we are all here to help and learn! If ya need a sparring partner I'm always up for a good practice if you have XBL you can add me MarKOed and dont hesitate to ask! Have fun here at 8WR and online!
Welcome, people here are really nice, don't worry.
Yep the S&S are great. If you want help just ask, hope you like here.
I've had more likes in this thread than I've ever had from a Facebook update xD Then again, I never update Facebook, so whatever.
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I hope to play/get to know you all in the near future! ^,^
With a name like that you must play pyrrha!......haha..... ANYWAY. Welcome to 8wr. if you need any help at all feel free to contact me :D
Thank you all!
Yes, I do use Pyrrha! I don't do her much justice though.
Hehe, justice. Okay that was bad. I'm sorry =[
Pleasure to meet you. Pocky Yoshi here. He's not always an Alexandra fan since my past with them is very....hectic. Hated them naturally on playstyle. The only Alexandra he sometimes play is Pyrrha(screw omega). That Pyrrha was the first Alexandra despite gameplay he could forgive if Pocky Yoshi got beaten by one(unlike Sophitia and Cassandra).

Regardless, Pat is a troll, Apat should of been Pat, and Pyrrha is irresistible. Omega? Who's that?

Anyways, Pocky Yoshi shall be leaving this thread for now.