Ivy Frame Data discussion

Another semi-significant thing, CS appears to beat i18s at 0, but trades with -17s. The wiki says CS is i18, though.

There's also a method to make bK come out at i17, again beating i18s at 0 (buffer B, tap K). Wiki also lists this as an i18 move which may very well be in any situation when you can't buffer B.
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A few changes have been made to Ivy's wiki frame data (courtesy of Slade) based on the Japanese frame data. The most notable changes being:

-More JG frame entries
-1K is i26 and -22 as opposed to i24 and -21
-4K is -11 on grd as opposed to -12
-4B is i12 as opposed to i11
-11A is i29 as opposed to i39
-1A is i27 as opposed to i23

If any of the new info is wrong, please post it here and I will test it and have the data fixed accordingly.
That's the same thing I said actually but Aeon 66A is in fact -12. The reason it is the optimal punish is because 6B8 is i13 at certain ranges.

Same with Natsu 88B which is -12.
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