[Jul 16, 2011] SC4 Toronto Top Tiers School Rumble Result


[10] Knight
1: Eli Sunny
2: SilentWall
3: TTT NeoRussell - *insert shameless plug* neorussell.com
4: moneymuffins
5: Emlarr
5: Partisan
7: Mattimus64s
7: PHatBoy27
9: Ragnar
9: GentlistHulk_2
9: Mattimus
13: Kash
13: Page

Nice tourny guys. Had special guests. Nice to have proper SC players to win. Although me being in 3rd still says alot.

Vince: Wow, you lost and the audience did not agree. Play more better.

Wallace: Tight defense, I hate playing you but last match was good.

Sunny: Thanks for helping out with the brackets. You still suck.


Top 4 Videos are here:
(Start at 39:30 in this video)


LMAO @ Tag next to NeoRussell.
SilentWall plays the best Nightmare I've seen, very different from what I was used too. It was great fun and a change of scenery to come out to this tournament and meet fellow Soul Calibur enthusiasts. My match up against Eli was very close each round, with plenty of impacts and counters. I think I did pretty good for my first tournament ever, placed 7th overall.
Special thanks to Russell to run this tourney. I'm glad to meet some new faces from Ottawa.
Fortunately, I didn't have to meet Partisan in the bracket, otherwise, I was pretty sure I will get eliminated. This guy knows Nightmare well, have a good Nightmare and solid defense. XD Scary.

Eli, congrats - The first times for you to be a champion in a big tourney. During the last set, I followed into you turtle traps. I can't tune my style to less aggressive in time that make me lose. GGs.

Russel, it was a close match. The king of sandbagging finally falls down. I killed my old buddy, but I was back stabbed by a new blood. Sad ending.

Vints, RO. RO. RO. RO. RO. RO...... goes around in your brain.

Partisan, yo, my nightmare's 90% mix-ups doesn't work on you that really screw me up all the time. I don't know why you can do that. You are like a robot that your unsafe punishment rate is high (close to 100%) and never miss. I see your style is based on unsafe punishment, great spacing and throw game with Cassandra. So good.

Emily, welcome back. Don't listen to Russel. We need a female to do a commentary that I'm pretty sure it will attract more audience. GGs.

Page, thanks your support and cheer. hahaha... I got a weird feeling. Anyway, GGs.

Franman, Believe it, you will make it happen. Don't believe it, you never make it happen. Seriously, just 1 frame lag on this LCD is not that bad. I think you can do it. About your work, good to hear that you found a job. And your planning sounds good. Keep it up.

Matt, nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to play with you more in the future.

Ottawa guys, welcome. Hey, you guys should stay longer for some casual games. Our community needs you guys. We can have more gathering with you in the future.

Hawkeye, thank you. Finally, someone likes my nightmare in this forum. T_T
We would have liked to stay but we had to get back for another engagement. By the end of the day all of us were so out of it lol. Used up all my Reiatsu trying to use my Sharingan :P
Wallace should have won.

Partisan breaks the game.

I have some non-top 4 matches that I'll upload tomorrow.

Also, that non-biased commentary, who likes that?
Next tournament I'm bringing my cheat sheet so I don't forget about any moves needed in certain situations. My game is more comprehensive than I realize, and I gotta do something since I usually don't play you guys for months at a time!

also, page, I am fond of your asshole-ish attitude, the same way you are fond of Wallace's chinese-ness.
Copy/Pasting my post from the other forum.

I had an amazing time on Saturday. I'd have to say my first tournament outing was an overwhelmingly positive experience. Great meeting you all!

I have to say I didn't quite know what to expect. You folks are monsters at this game. I shouldn't be quite so nervous at the next event and hopefully play more like my normal self. I'm gonna tear my Hori Pad EX2 apart and see if I can fix the ghosting issue so I can play on XBL with you guys.

EDIT: I would have liked to stay longer on Saturday, but the rest of the crew had double booked plans that day. Next time I'll be sure our schedule is totally clear!
Sigh @ you guys (not oshawa) letting me reach 3rd place.
Seriously?! Seriously?! I made it clear many times that I do not have this game at home.
My awesomeness is too strong for you guys.

*Imagine NeoRussell Gloat voice*
Sucks that Amaury has PMS about the rules than show up and represent Toronto.
Sucks that Dino kept riding my cell phone with promises and then doesn't show up. DiNoshow.
Sucks that I lost to Eli cause he clearly practices against Yoshimitsu.
Sucks that Walace won against me cause that last match/last round was mine.
Sucks that no matter how many practice sessions Vints does, it's still not enough to beat me.

Hope you guys had a great time. We will try to get more matches on stream next time.
Nice to see everyone though. This tournament clearly showed that $20 is worth the fun times you guys had.
Hoping that the venue and entry fee does not stop other people from coming.

Matches are up

Vince vs Slient

Winner Finials
Russell vs Eli

Loser Final
Russell vs Silent

Grand Final Part 1
Silent vs Eli

Grand Final Part 2
Slient vs Eli

GGs to Everyone there and a special GGs to Russell's Tears.
Oh pls russell! First of all, you completely ignored my first round challenge. Second of all, you obviously don't need to practice the game when you win with ROs. I don't know why ppl take pride in that nonsense, lol.
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