Just Frame Wakeup


[10] Knight
Whats the trick to it?

Some moves are easy to wake up with a just frame, such as mitsu's 2kb.

But i have been having problems doing JF Wakeup's after some moves. ( most of them )

Can you do them after everything? Is it just timing the time when you hit the floor with :8::G: or :2::G:?

Let me know. im very interested in implementing JF wake ups into my normal game play.

Also can you do JF wake ups with :6::G: or :4::G:?
You can only JF tech after a move which slams you down, like the second hit of mitsu 2kb. The easiest trick to getting an easier JF tech is bind mutiple G buttons and "piano roll" them when you want to tech. On a stick, for example, my entire lower row is G's for this specific reason.
Never thought about doing it that way Idle, but since I play on a pad I can't really do that.

The only thing you can do, Chaos, is to practice like you would with any other just frame. Yeah, it's a pain, but you know what they say and all. And no I do not believe you can roll forward or backwards.
Noob question that may or may not make sense: Is it possible to just bind one button with G and just practice tech rolling with the regular G button and such?
Is there a list somewhere of the moves you can JF tech?
Namu, yes it is posible to get the timing down with just 1 G button. After about 5 mins in practice i was able to reliably do JF tech after Mitsurugi's 2kb.